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What is Support Swapping?

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Support swapping is when two people exchange help with each other. It’s like a trade where both people benefit from the support they receive. It’s a way to build relationships and get the help you need without feeling like you’re taking advantage of someone.

Frequently Asked Question


How do I find someone to swap support with?

You can start by reaching out to friends, family, or colleagues who have skills or expertise that complement your own. Alternatively, you can join a support swapping group or community online.

What if one person isn't holding up their end of the support swapping arrangement?

It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your support swapping partner if you feel like the arrangement is unbalanced or unfair. If necessary, you can renegotiate the terms of the arrangement or end the arrangement altogether.

What kinds of activities can be included in a support swapping arrangement?

Support swapping can be applied to almost any area where people need help or support, including tutoring, language exchange, skill-sharing, childcare, pet-sitting, exercise, and emotional support.

Scientific Definition


Support swapping is a simple concept: you help someone with something they need, and they help you with something you need in return. It’s like a fair trade where both people benefit. For instance, if you’re good at math but struggle with writing essays, you can team up with someone who excels in writing essays but finds math challenging. Offer to help them with math in exchange for their assistance with your essays. This way, you both get the help you need and build a mutually beneficial relationship. Support swapping eliminates any feeling of taking advantage of others, creating a win-win situation.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Support Swapping

Meet Susie, a creative and artistic girl who loves to draw and paint. She’s excellent at creating beautiful artwork but struggles with math. One day, Susie’s mom told her about the concept of support swapping, where she could exchange help with someone who has different strengths. Excited by the idea, Susie decided to give it a try. Here’s how support swapping worked for Susie:

  • Susie teamed up with her friend Jake, who was a math whiz but needed help with his art projects.
  • They agreed to spend some time together every week. Susie taught Jake different drawing techniques, and in return, Jake helped Susie understand math concepts through fun and engaging activities.
  • Through their support swapping arrangement, Susie’s math skills improved, and Jake’s artistic abilities flourished.
  • They also discovered that working together made learning more enjoyable and less intimidating.

Support swapping allowed Susie to enhance her math skills while pursuing her passion for art. It showed her the power of collaboration and how helping others can lead to personal growth. By embracing support swapping, Susie found a way to overcome her challenges and build meaningful connections with others.

How Does Support Swapping Work?

Support swapping is a collaborative approach where individuals exchange help to meet each other’s needs. It’s a practical and beneficial way to get assistance without feeling like you’re taking advantage of others.

  • Subject expertise exchange: Trade knowledge or skills in areas where you excel and need assistance. For example, you can offer to help someone with math in exchange for their help with your writing.
  • Task sharing: Divide tasks or responsibilities with someone who has complementary strengths. This way, both of you can lighten the workload and accomplish more together.
  • Time or resource exchange: Share resources, such as borrowing each other’s tools or books, or even swapping services like babysitting or pet sitting.
  • Emotional support exchange: Provide a listening ear and emotional support to someone who needs it, and they can reciprocate when you’re going through tough times.
  • Networking and connections: Introduce each other to relevant contacts or provide recommendations, helping each other expand professional networks.

Support swapping fosters collaboration, builds relationships, and creates win-win situations where both parties benefit from the exchange of support.

This post was originally published on March 26, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.