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Power Tools for Power Struggles With Kids

As someone who works with kids daily, I understand how frustrating it can be when power struggles seem endless, no matter how much effort you put in. You deal with resistance, tantrums, or defiance, pouring in your blood, sweat, and tears. It’s not just challenging; it can feel downright disheartening. I’ve faced these same struggles and know how tough it is to feel like you’re making a difference. That’s why I’ve put together this guide with evidence-based strategies to ease these daily challenges, helping to increase positive behaviors and reduce negative ones.

What Are These Proactive Measures To Aid in Power Struggles With Kids?

Are you wondering what proactive measures are and how they can help? Proactive measures are steps taken right before a behavior occurs. An antecedent is something that happens just before a behavior. Examples include a clean or cluttered home, unexpected situations, changes in routine, flashing lights, scratchy clothes, loud noises, or different food textures. These stimuli affect your senses—touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell—and can increase or decrease the likelihood of a behavior.

Again, you say, “So, what are they?” These 4 tools are preference/choice, priming, timers, and pairing. This blog will go into detail for each “power tool” and how to apply these strategies with your child or client. Your day-to-day activities will become more enjoyable with the hopes to decrease those power struggles with kids.


People of all ages who have health conditions that affect their daily lives should be able to express their thoughts, feelings, and preferences, whether it’s a simple choice or a complex decision. As a parent, teacher, or clinician, the top priority is to ensure that the child stays safe. However, this often means that the decisions made by adults overrule the child’s choices and preferences, under the assumption that they always know what’s best. It’s worth considering where you can compromise and how you can modify the environment to provide options and preferred choices for your child. Of course, it’s important to ensure that the options presented are safe and enjoyable for your child. Here are some examples that you may be able to relate to.

Power Struggles With Kids mum and kids playing blocks
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1. Change Is OK

We have grown to adapt to schedule changes on a daily basis. Sometimes our days change for the better and sometimes our days change for the worse. It’s the same for your child. Allow your child to choose different activities that they would like to do throughout the day. Visual schedules help them stay on track but it is not always necessary depending on your child’s needs. It’s OKAY to switch up a daily schedule, especially if it is in favor of your child and it is safe and feasible to do. It is also OKAY to follow through with important events throughout the day such as appointments that can’t be rescheduled. Find a healthy balance between which events are truly important and which events can be flexible.

2. Provide Preferred Options

Transitioning from one difficult task to another can be tough and may result in decreased motivation. Offering preferred options to your child not only gives them a chance to voice their opinion but also helps to develop their independence. As a parent, it’s natural to make decisions based on factors like time, money, protectiveness, and personal preferences. However, it’s essential to involve your child in the decision-making process and consider their preferences just as much as their safety and happiness. Finding a balance between what’s best for your child and what they want is key to their growth and development.

3. Reinforcement!!!

You would like your child to put his/her clothes on within a reasonable time. Before placing the demand to clean the room, motivate him/her by providing 2 to 3 options for preferred reinforcement when the task is complete. Following through with this will establish behaviors over time as well. Stay strong! If your child does not complete the task, provide less preferred activities, and limit access to those highly preferred options.

Power Struggles With Kids boy in white long sleeve shirt and green pants sitting on floor beside girl in red
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4. Set Boundaries and Provide Alternatives

When an activity is not available such as playing baseball in the house, instead of taking away their toys, change the environment to a safer area such as outside or a nearby park. Another great example is when your child wants to color on a chair. Instead of taking away the markers, set boundaries and options as to where he can color (kitchen table, outside, on the tile floor with newspaper underneath). Providing these options can begin to ease power struggles with kids and increase appropriate behaviors.

In conclusion, provide simple, PREFERRED options (no more than 2-3) to accommodate your child’s needs. Allow your child to have a voice in his/her day to day activities. Motivate your child to complete difficult tasks by providing highly preferred activities or choices once the activity is complete. Establish boundaries and provide options BEFORE a behavior. Manipulate the environment to increase or decrease the likelihood of a behavior to happen.

Priming… What’s That? 

The book, Effective Practices for Children with Autism, defines priming as a type of antecedent intervention in which the target behavior is practiced immediately before being performed, and priming sessions consist of verbal modeling and instruction to perform a behavior, followed by reinforcement of that behavior. In other words, Priming is a verbal or modeling action to show your child how to do something, to explain expectations, or to express what will happen before the behavior or event takes place. Think of priming as a warning or a reminder of what is going to happen. Below are some examples.

1. Modeling and Verbal Communication Through Priming

Power Struggles With Kids this image shows a mother teaching her daughter to fold clothes
Read more: Autism Communication Cards

Being able to effectively communicate with your child through modeling and verbal communication is crucial to your child’s growth. One important factor in priming through modeling and verbal communication is to make sure your physical actions are not only the desired actions you want your child to imitate but that these actions are presented BEFORE your child engages in the activity as well as having clear and direct verbal communication. For example, you can tell your child, “When it is time to clean your dishes, I want you to do it like this,” and then show your child the correct way to clean the dishes.

2. What’s Expected?

Prime your child by letting him/her know what is expected. An example of this is saying, “Remember to walk in the street,” before your child begins to walk in the street. Priming can promote safety and awareness for your child. Additionally, reinforcing this behavior will increase independence in which you will be able to fade your priming prompts out. Another great example of priming is reminding your child to keep safe hands and body, especially around their peers. This simple reminder can create positive interactions with your child and other peers. Simple reminders of what is expected and setting boundaries is a great way to decrease those power struggles with children.

3. What Will Happen?

Prime your child by letting him/her know what is going to happen. For example, you can tell your child, “In about 2 minutes we are going to turn the t.v. off and eat dinner.” Being able to explain what is going to happen before it happens allows your child to prepare for a change within the environment. Another example is alerting your child for any immediate or future change in plans. Giving your child time to process a changing environmental factor and being able to help your child go through that process before the change happens, will reduce anxiety in both the parent and the child.


Timers are the easiest tools to utilize, yet the hardest tools to remember. It is a great visual tool (keyword being VISUAL) to help your child stay on task, the transition from a preferred activity to a non-preferred activity, or warn your child when it’s time to give up or share a preferred item. Just like priming, prompting your child ahead of time by utilizing a visual timer, can decrease those power struggles with kids.

1. How To Use a Timer 

Telling your child how much time they have left to complete a task, switch tasks, or give up a preferred item can help them adapt. For example, set a timer for 30 minutes to eat dinner (you can change the time). Let your child know they have 30 minutes to eat. Remind them periodically: “You have 20 minutes left, 10 minutes left, 5 minutes left, 2 minutes left, 30 seconds, 3, 2, 1, all done.” Display the timer within eyesight but out of reach, so they can hear and see the prompts. Each child reacts differently, so experiment with using a timer. Figure out what works best for your child. Use a timer.

2. Honoring More Time 

Is there enough time to honor more time? Is the next activity or task going to be easy or hard for your child? Will honoring more time disrupt others? How many times do you allow more time? These are some questions that can guide you on whether you should allow more time for your child to continue playing. Consider if honoring more time with an activity or item will impede on the next task or event. If it is appropriate and feasible, allow an extra minute or two with an activity or item. Honoring more time can be very effective in decreasing those power struggles with children. Only allow more time with a preferred activity or item on up 1 or 2 opportunities. If requests continue to persist from your child, provide other options.

3. Following Through 

After you allow your child to have more time with an activity or item, make sure to follow through with the removal of activity or item, or mentioned above provide other options. Following through sets boundaries and what is expected of your child. As a parent, you do not want to be pushed around by your child and taken advantage of, but you also want to avoid those power struggles. Find a healthy balance between honoring more time and following through when it is time.

4. Picking Your Battles 

Have you ever heard your child tell you “NO!” when it is time to turn the tv off? All they want to do is keep watching and you are standing there thinking “Oh boy, here comes a power struggle.” It is painful to go through and it usually ends in tears. Pick your battles. Use your priming tools, timers, and follow through to set those boundaries. How can you manipulate the environment in which the battles you pick do not become detrimental to growth and understanding? For example, your timer goes off to get ready for bed. At this point you set the timer, honored more time, and you are ready to follow through. It’s a battle you have to pick. How can you reduce the effort in getting ready for bed? Maybe bring the clothes to your child. Motivate your child to engage in getting ready. When you pick your battles, ease the pain for both the parent and the child.

Pairing- A.K.A. Having Fun! 

“What is pairing?” you ask. A parent who is the source through which reinforcers are received can become a conditioned reinforcer as a result of the ongoing pairing with other reinforcers. There are highly motivating items and activities that your child loves to engage in. If you engage in those items and activities, there is a chance you become just as reinforcing. This is an opportunity to be able to have fun with your child. The best part, this fun creates instructional control. Instructional control is defined as dealing with the likelihood that presented instructions will lead to the desired behavior. You can finally have relief that playing and engaging with your child will ultimately help your child follow through with certain demands and requests that are placed. Below is an outline of effective ways to establish instructional control.

Power Struggles With Kids this image shows a father painting a toy house with his daughter

1. Enjoy Activities They Prefer 

Your child has certain preferences and fixations. During times you intend to pair, engage in those preferences. It may seem uncomfortable or socially unacceptable, but these are the moments you must cherish most. You do not have to allow it all of the time, but a bit a day goes a long way. Remember, these activities and preferences are your child’s. As mentioned above, it is easy for parents to influence their interests and preferences, but keep in mind your child’s preferences as well.

2. Remove Feasible Demands 

This is a time where placing demands should only be acceptable when direct and indirect safety is a concern for himself/herself or others. As mentioned before, pick your battles and provide other options when necessary. Experiment within the environment on how you can keep your child safe such as adding or removing hazardous items around. This limits certain demands. Some examples are “Don’t touch the outlet (cover the outlet), turn the water off (have a timer on outside water), leave your sibling alone (remove the sibling).” These simple adjustments within the environment help eliminate verbal demands on your child.

3. Take a Deep Breath and Allow Your Child To Explore in a Safe Environment.

Take a deep breath. As a parent, you have earned to relax and feel proud. Your love and a continuous search to help improve your child’s quality of life is so appreciated and respected. This is a time to allow your child to explore the way you have explored to improve their journey. Limiting restrictions in their independent play will allow them to search and manipulate their surroundings. Always keep your child safe, but allow exploration and independence (of course with guidance) into your child’s life and you will see improvements day by day.

Goally | Routines that Actually Work

Goally’s skill building tablet for kids has routines that break down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

A notification from the Goally Parent App on the best tablet for kids indicating the start of a potty routine, demonstrating parental control features.

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning. See it in action:

Ease your mind and know that these power tools are here to help with the day-to-day power struggles with your kids. Preference/choice, priming, timers, and pairing are tools for you to utilize to decrease those power struggles. Experiment with these tools by integrating them simultaneously. For example, providing choices when your timer runs out, prime to warn your child when the time has expired, honor extra time, and always follow through. Most importantly, Don’t forget to pair (play) with your child whenever you can. There isn’t a one size fits all. Figure out what works best for your child while applying these simple tools.

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FAQs About Power Struggles With Kids

What are power struggles with kids?
A power struggle with kids is a situation where a child refuses to do something that a parent or caregiver wants them to do, leading to a battle for control.

What are some common triggers for power struggles with kids?
Some common triggers for power struggles with kids include fatigue, hunger, stress, and boredom.

How can I avoid power struggles with my special needs child?
You can avoid power struggles with your special needs child by setting clear expectations and boundaries, offering choices, using positive reinforcement, and giving them a sense of control.

What are some strategies for dealing with power struggles with kids?
Some strategies for dealing with power struggles with kids include remaining calm, using humor, offering incentives, and giving the child a chance to save face.

What should I do if a power struggle escalates with my special needs child?
If a power struggle escalates with your special needs child, it's important to take a break and allow both of you to calm down. Then, you can try to find a compromise or solution that works for everyone.

This post was originally published on 12/28/2020. It was updated on 07/26/2024.

Alexandra Hakeem is a Denver based BCBA. In her free time, Alexandra enjoys snowboarding, volunteer work, and hanging out with her nieces and nephews.

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