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What is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?

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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helps kids by teaching them how to think and feel more healthily. It’s like giving their minds a workout to feel better and be more focused.

Frequently Asked Question


Is MBCT suitable for children with different needs?

Yes, MBCT is adaptable and can be tailored to suit various needs. Its flexible techniques can benefit children with conditions like ADHD, autism, anxiety, and more, fostering emotional resilience and self-awareness.

Can MBCT be integrated into daily routines?

Absolutely. MBCT involves simple practices like mindful breathing, thought observation, and body awareness, which can be easily incorporated into a child’s daily routine. Consistency can lead to lasting positive changes.

Can MBCT be practiced at home with parents?

Absolutely. Parents can learn and practice MBCT techniques alongside their kids. This fosters a supportive environment where the whole family can benefit from improved emotional well-being.

Is MBCT a replacement for other therapies and treatments?

MBCT can complement other therapies and treatments, enhancing their effectiveness. It provides a valuable set of skills that can empower kids to better manage their emotions and thoughts in various situations.

Scientific Definition


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a special way of helping kids with special needs. It combines two important things: mindfulness and cognitive therapy. Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment without judging it. Cognitive therapy is about changing how we think to feel better. When these two ideas come together, kids learn to manage their thoughts and feelings positively. This helps them handle challenges and emotions, which is really helpful for kids with special needs. It’s like giving them tools to understand and navigate their thoughts and feelings, making life easier.

Real World Example of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Meet Susie, a curious and energetic 8-year-old with a big heart and unique abilities. One day, Susie’s teacher introduced her to Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to help her better understand her emotions and focus her thoughts. Here’s how it went:

  • Morning Mindfulness: Susie started with a deep breath every day, feeling the air filling her tummy like a balloon. This helped her start the day calmly.
  • Thought Cloud: Susie imagined her thoughts as fluffy clouds passing by. Some clouds were happy, and some were a bit gray. She learned she could watch them without getting carried away.
  • Body Detective: When Susie felt nervous, she became a “body detective.” She closed her eyes and noticed where she felt tense. Then she relaxed those parts with deep breaths.
  • Thankful Tree: Susie kept a “thankful tree” in her mind. She added leaves of things she was grateful for each day. It made her heart feel warm.
  • Magic Jar: Susie had a “magic jar” to put her worries. She knew they were safe there, and it helped her mind feel lighter.
  • Happy Hobby: Susie found joy in drawing. When she drew, her thoughts were only about the colors and shapes.

With MBCT and her creative imagination, Susie learned to handle feelings like a brave explorer. Each day became an adventure in understanding her thoughts and feelings, making her unique journey even brighter.

How Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Work?

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy works by helping kids become aware of their thoughts and feelings and teaching them how to respond positively. Here are some ways it works:

  • Mindful Breathing: Kids learn to focus on their breath. They can use deep breaths to calm down when they get anxious or upset.
  • Thought Observation: They practice noticing their thoughts without getting overwhelmed. This helps them choose how to react.
  • Body Awareness: Kids pay attention to how their body feels. This helps them recognize when they’re stressed and need to relax.
  • Gratitude Exercises: They learn to appreciate good things in their lives, boosting their mood and resilience.
  • Mindful Activities: Kids engage in activities like drawing or yoga, where they concentrate on the present moment.

 Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy empowers kids with special needs to manage emotions, complemented by Goally’s versatile tablet apps for life skills, emotional regulation, and social interactions.