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What are 504 Accommodations for Anxiety?

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504 accommodations for anxiety are changes made at school to help kids with anxiety do their best. These might include extra time on tests, taking breaks, or having a quiet place to work.

Frequently Asked Question


How do I request 504 accommodations for my child?

Contact your child’s school and request a meeting to discuss your concerns. Work collaboratively with teachers and administrators to evaluate your child’s needs and develop a tailored plan.

Can 504 accommodations change over time?

Yes, 504 accommodations are flexible and can be adjusted based on your child’s evolving needs. Regular reviews and updates ensure the plan remains effective in addressing anxiety challenges.

Are 504 accommodations only for academic support?

No, 504 accommodations can extend beyond academics. They may include adjustments for social interactions, transitions between activities, and other aspects of the school environment that contribute to anxiety.

How long does the process of implementing 504 accommodations take?

The timeline can vary, but schools generally aim to implement 504 accommodations promptly. It involves assessment, collaboration between parents and school staff, and the creation of a personalized plan, usually within a reasonable timeframe.

Scientific Definition


The 504 accommodations for anxiety refer to modifications and supports provided under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These accommodations are designed to ensure that students with anxiety can access their education on an equal basis with their peers. Examples include adjustments in test-taking, classroom environment, and assignment deadlines.

Helpful Resources

Video Explanation


Real World Example of 504 Accommodations for Anxiety

504 accommodations for anxiety help kids manage their anxiety in school. Here are some examples:

  • Extended Time: Extra time for tests and assignments.
  • Breaks: Scheduled breaks during class or tests.
  • Quiet Areas: Access to a quiet space when feeling anxious.
  • Modified Assignments: Adjustments to homework or classwork.
Accommodation Description
Extended Time Extra time for tests and assignments.
Breaks Scheduled breaks during class or tests.
Quiet Areas Access to a quiet space when feeling anxious.
Modified Assignments Adjustments to homework or classwork.

These accommodations ensure that kids with anxiety can learn and perform to the best of their abilities in a supportive environment.

This post was originally published on December 19, 2023. It was updated on July 13, 2024.

How Does 504 Accommodations for Anxiety Work?

Understanding how 504 accommodations for anxiety work is key to supporting your child’s success in school. Here’s a quick guide:

Customized Plans: Each child’s needs are assessed, leading to a personalized plan that addresses their specific anxiety challenges.
Examples in Action: Some common accommodations include providing a quiet space for tests, allowing extra time for assignments, or permitting breaks when needed.
Collaboration: Parents, teachers, and school staff collaborate to ensure the plan aligns with the child’s unique requirements.
Flexibility: Plans can be adjusted as needed, offering the flexibility to adapt to changes in the child’s anxiety levels.

In essence, 504 accommodations for anxiety create a tailored support system, fostering an environment where children can thrive despite their anxiety challenges.