What is Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2)?

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The Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2) is a test that checks how well a child uses language in social settings. It shows how they converse, comprehend jokes or sarcasm, and respond to social signs. The test highlights the child’s strengths and areas needing support. It’s useful for parents and professionals to understand a child’s real-world communication skills.

Frequently Asked Question


How does the TOPL-2 benefit children and their families?

The TOPL-2 provides valuable insights into a child’s pragmatic language strengths and weaknesses, helping parents and professionals develop targeted interventions and strategies to support their communication development.

Can the TOPL-2 track progress over time?

Yes, the TOPL-2 can be re-administered to assess changes and improvements in a child’s pragmatic language skills, allowing professionals and parents to monitor progress and make adjustments to intervention plans as needed.

Is the TOPL-2 suitable for children with various special needs?

Yes, the TOPL-2 is designed to assess the pragmatic language skills of children with diverse special needs, including autism spectrum disorder, developmental language disorders, and social communication difficulties. It can provide valuable insights for children across a range of conditions.

Scientific Definition


Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2) is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to evaluate the pragmatic language skills of children with special needs.  It’s designed for individuals aged 6 through 18 years and 11 months. The test is administered individually and takes about 45–60 minutes to complete. Pragmatic language refers to the social use of language, including understanding and using language in social interactions, conversations, and various communicative contexts. The TOPL-2 assesses a wide range of pragmatic language abilities, such as making inferences, understanding non-literal language, using appropriate social language, and interpreting and responding to social cues. It provides valuable information about a child’s pragmatic language strengths and weaknesses, helping professionals and parents gain insights into their communication skills. The TOPL-2 consists of engaging activities and tasks that simulate real-life social situations, allowing for an accurate assessment of a child’s pragmatic language abilities. The TOPL-2 evaluates how well a child uses and understands language in social situations. It looks at how they talk with others, understand jokes or sarcasm, and follow social cues. The test also assesses the effectiveness and appropriateness of a student’s pragmatic language skills.

Real World Example of Test of Pragmatic Language - Second Edition (TOPL-2)

Meet Susie, a cheerful and bright eight-year-old girl who loves playing with her friends and exploring new adventures. Susie’s parents have noticed that she sometimes struggles with social interactions and understanding certain aspects of communication. They decide to consult a speech-language pathologist, who suggests using the Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2) to better understand Susie’s pragmatic language skills. Let’s see how the TOPL-2 comes into play in Susie’s journey.

  • Susie arrives at the speech-language pathologist’s office, filled with curiosity and a touch of nervousness. The professional warmly greets Susie and explains that they will engage in various activities to evaluate her communication abilities.
  • The TOPL-2 assessment begins with a game of Guess the Emotion. Susie is shown pictures of facial expressions and asked to identify the corresponding emotions. This activity assesses her ability to interpret social cues, a crucial aspect of pragmatic language.
  • Next, Susie is presented with a series of short stories and asked to answer questions about the characters’ intentions and feelings. This helps evaluate her skills in making inferences and understanding the perspectives of others.
  • To assess Susie’s understanding of non-literal language, she listens to a series of jokes and idiomatic expressions. The speech-language pathologist observes Susie’s responses, noting her ability to grasp the intended meanings beyond the literal interpretations.
  • During a role-playing activity, Susie is given a scenario where she needs to navigate a social situation. She interacts with the speech-language pathologist, showcasing her ability to use appropriate social language and respond effectively in the given context.
  • The TOPL-2 also involves questionnaires for Susie’s parents and teachers. They provide additional insights into Susie’s pragmatic language skills in different environments and help create a comprehensive picture of her communication abilities.

After the assessment:

  • Once the assessment is complete, the speech-language pathologist carefully scores and analyzes the gathered information. They share the results with Susie’s parents, highlighting her strengths and areas that may require further support.
  • Based on the TOPL-2 findings, the speech-language pathologist collaborates with Susie’s parents to develop an individualized intervention plan. They incorporate activities and strategies to enhance Susie’s pragmatic language skills and support her social interactions.
  • Over time, Susie’s progress is monitored through periodic reassessments using the TOPL-2. These evaluations provide valuable feedback on her development and guide adjustments to the intervention plan, ensuring continued growth and improvement.

Susie’s experience with the Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2) helps her parents and professionals gain valuable insights into her communication abilities. Through tailored interventions and support, Susie embarks on a journey to strengthen her pragmatic language skills, empowering her to confidently navigate social interactions and thrive in her interactions with others.

How Does Test of Pragmatic Language - Second Edition (TOPL-2) Work?

The Test of Pragmatic Language – Second Edition (TOPL-2) is a great resource for assessing your special needs child’s pragmatic language skills. It helps discern how they understand and utilize language in social situations, enabling tailored support. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Administration: Done by trained professionals, like speech therapists, through activities mimicking real-life social situations.
  • Tasks: These can involve role-playing, explaining social situations, and interpreting idioms, giving a wide-ranging evaluation.
  • Skills Assessed: Evaluates skills like making inferences, understanding sarcasm, interpreting facial expressions and body language, and responding to social situations.
  • Scoring: Performance is scored objectively, identifying strengths and areas needing improvement.
  • Application: Results guide development of customized intervention plans, targeting improvement areas, and tracking progress.

TOPL-2 is an effective tool for improving your child’s real-life communication abilities.

This post was originally published on Feb. 19, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.