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Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies

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Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies mean how people with autism go to college and the problems they might face while in college. Sometimes, people with autism have trouble with things like talking to others and handling new or noisy environments, making it hard to do well in college. However, there are ways to help people with autism succeed in college, like providing support for their specific needs, and with these strategies, they can be successful in college and in their careers.

Frequently Asked Question


What challenges do individuals with ASD face in higher education?

Individuals with ASD may face challenges in higher education related to social communication, sensory processing, and executive functioning. These challenges can impact academic performance and overall success in college.

How can peer mentoring programs help individuals with ASD in higher education?

Peer mentoring programs can match students with ASD with mentors who can provide social support and academic guidance. This can help individuals with ASD navigate the social aspects of college and develop a sense of community on campus.

How can higher education institutions support individuals with ASD?

Higher education institutions can support individuals with ASD by providing accommodations, such as extended time on exams, note-taking support, and access to quiet study spaces. Additionally, social skills training, sensory-friendly environments, and executive function coaching can help address challenges faced by individuals with ASD.

Scientific Definition


Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies refer to the experiences of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who pursue postsecondary education. This includes access to higher education, challenges that may arise while pursuing a college degree, and support strategies that can be implemented to address those challenges. Higher education presents unique challenges for individuals with ASD, such as difficulties with social communication and sensory processing, impacting academic performance and overall success. However, with appropriate support strategies, individuals with ASD can thrive in higher education and achieve their academic and career goals.

Real World Example of Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies

Susie, a bright and curious young woman with autism, dreams of attending college and pursuing a career in science. Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies can assist her in reaching her goals. Here’s how it works:

  1. Access: Susie’s high school guidance counselor helps her find colleges that offer accommodations for students with disabilities. They discover a college that provides extended exam time and note-taking support.
  2. Challenges: Initially, Susie faces social communication difficulties in college. Fortunately, the college offers a peer mentoring program for students with ASD. Susie is paired with a mentor who guides her academically and helps her navigate social aspects.
  3. Support strategies: Susie joins a club for students with ASD, fostering a sense of community and connection. The college’s faculty and staff receive training on supporting students with ASD, ensuring they understand and meet Susie’s needs.

With the support of Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies, Susie can conquer college and achieve her academic and career aspirations.

How Does Autism in Higher Education: Access, Challenges, and Support Strategies Work?

Autism in Higher Education focuses on providing individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) equal access to postsecondary education, addressing challenges, and offering support strategies. Here’s how it works:

Access: Higher education institutions accommodate individuals with ASD by providing:

  • Extended exam time
  • Note-taking support
  • Quiet study spaces

Challenges: Individuals with ASD may face difficulties in higher education, including:

  • Social communication
  • Sensory processing
  • Executive functioning Institutions address these challenges by:
  • Offering social skills training
  • Creating sensory-friendly environments
  • Providing executive function coaching

Support strategies:

  • Peer mentoring programs offer social and academic guidance.
  • Campus clubs connect and support students with ASD.
  • Faculty and staff receive training on ASD awareness and support.
  • Counseling services address mental health concerns.

By recognizing and implementing these strategies, higher education institutions can create an inclusive environment, increasing access and success for individuals with ASD. Products like Goally can also help kids with conditions like ASD build life and language skills through fun and engaging apps.


This post was originally published on May 2, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.