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How to Teach Kids to Dry Clothes

Have you ever faced the comedic chaos of a laundry day with kids running around in soggy socks? We’ve all been there. As caregivers, we aspire to teach our children essential life skills, like properly drying clothes. It’s not just about tossing wet fabrics into a machine; it’s about responsibility, independence, and confidence. This guide lays down the steps to help you guide your children through the drying process. And for a more interactive experience, don’t forget our Goal Mine class in video form in this blog. Let your kids watch and learn!

Step 1: Load the Dryer

  • Get the Clothes Ready: Firstly, ensure the clothes are wrung out properly. Damp, not dripping, is the state we’re aiming for. This not only makes the drying process quicker but also conserves energy. Moreover, it’s an excellent way for kids to test their strength and muscle coordination.
  • Sorting by Type: For example, towels and jeans take longer to dry than light T-shirts. Teach your kids the art of sorting. Heavier items in one batch, lighter ones in another. This will optimize drying times and prevent the annoyance of discovering a damp jean pocket amidst perfectly dry socks.
Read more: Motivate Kids With ADHD With Responsibility Charts
StepsMain TaskKey Points
Step 1Load the DryerGet the clothes ready Sorting by type
Step 2Set and StartChoose the right setting Hit start, but check lint tray
Step 3Unload the DryerTiming is everything Folding fun

Pro tip— Goally’s Kid’s Tablet has one of the largest libraries of skill-building videos (like “How to Dry Clothes” and “How to Wash Clothes”) on Goally’s TV App.👇

Read more: Teach Your Kid How to Hang Clothes

Step 2: Set and Start to Dry Clothes

  • Choose the Right Setting: Now, dryers aren’t about turning a dial and pushing a button. Well, actually, they are, but there’s a method to the madness. Above all, help your child understand the symbols on the dryer. In other words, cotton? Synthetics? Delicates? There’s a setting for each! Empower them with knowledge so they can make informed choices.
  • Hit Start, but Wait... After setting the timer, ensure your child knows to check the lint tray. Cleaning it not only ensures faster drying but also a safety measure. Lint can pose fire hazards. So, it’s not just about pushing buttons; it’s also about responsibility.
dry clothes.  A girl is taking her clothes out of the dryer.
Read more: Teach Your Kids How to Wash Clothes

Step 3: Unload the Dryer 

  • Timing is Everything: Firstly, unloading immediately after the cycle finishes prevents creases. It’s a small step, but a crucial one in making sure clothes are ready to wear. However, if you’ve ever faced the battle of ironing a shirt that sat in the dryer too long, you know what we mean.
  • Folding Fun: Turn unloading into a game. Who can fold the quickest? Who creates the neatest stack? It’s a skill that might seem menial to us, but to kids, it’s a chance to beat their previous time. Similarly, they’re not just folding clothes but mastering a life skill and having fun.

Teaching kids to dry clothes isn’t just about the action itself. It’s about building independence, enhancing decision-making skills, and understanding the responsibilities of daily tasks. But wait, there’s more! Our embedded YouTube video only covered the first step in detail. Hungry for more? Grab Goally’s dedicated Tablet to unlock the rest of the lessons. Your child’s journey to drying proficiency is just a click away!

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