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Teach Kids How to Wash Clothes

wash clothes. How to wash clothes

Life can throw messy situations our way, and kids are often the masters of creating them. Every parent has been there – a freshly laundered shirt turns into a canvas of mud and spaghetti sauce within minutes. But what if we told you that there’s a silver lining here? By teaching kids to wash clothes, you equip them with lifelong skills and buy yourself some free time in the long run. For a more visual guide, don’t forget to let your little learners watch our Goal Mine class video on the blog, which is perfectly tailored to help kids grasp this skill independently.

Step 1: Separate Clothes

Most importantly, it’s crucial to separate the clothes before any washing starts. Merging reds with whites can turn laundry day into a pink catastrophe! But how do you teach this to kids

  • Color Coordination: Firstly, explain that darks (blacks, blues, greens) and lights (whites, yellows, grays) need to be separated. For example, a dark blue jean doesn’t go with a light-colored t-shirt. You get the gist.
  • Material Matters: Besides colors, fabrics play a role, too. Delicate fabrics need a different kind of care compared to sturdy ones. That is to say, a silk scarf won’t enjoy the rough company of denim.
  • Tips for parents: You can turn this into a fun game. Use laundry baskets labeled with colors or materials and let your kids play ‘sort-the-laundry.’ Above all, remember to praise their efforts and correct mistakes gently.
Step Number Step Name Description
1 Separate Clothes Before starting the wash, sort clothes by color and material. Ensure darks and lights are separated, and consider the fabric type.
2 Load the Washer Load clothes without overstuffing the machine. Ensure pockets are empty and free of items like crayons or pens.
3 Choose Settings Select the appropriate water temperature and cycle length based on clothing tags and soil level.

Step 2: Load the Washer

After sorting, it’s time to pop those clothes into the washer. But, however simple it sounds, there’s a right way to do it.

  • Don’t Overload: However tempting it might be to wash everything in one go, teach your kids the value of space. Clothes need room to move around. If the washer is jam-packed, clothes won’t get clean, and the machine might not work efficiently.
  • Check Pockets: During the hustle of laundry, small items in pockets can be overlooked. For instance, crayons or pens can wreak havoc. So, it’s essential to ensure those pockets are empty.
  • Parent tip: On the other hand, encourage responsibility. If your child forgets an item in their pocket that causes a mess, gently remind them of the importance of this step.
wash clothes. A girl is washing her clothes with the washing machine.
Read more: 5 Tips for Helping a Child With ADHD Clean Their Room

Step 3: Choose Settings

Modern washing machines can seem like spaceship control panels to kids (and let’s face it, sometimes to adults too). However, with some guidance, they’ll master it in no time.

  • Water Temperature: Hot, cold, or warm? The tag on the clothing usually provides guidance. For example, whites often require hot water, while colors are best in cold to prevent fading.
  • Cycle Length: Delicates need a soft touch, while heavy-duty clothes, like jeans, can handle a longer cycle. Similarly, heavily soiled clothes need a more extended wash.
  • Parental guidance is critical here: Supervise your child for the first few times, helping them make the right choices. After that, you’ll find they begin to understand the patterns and can do it independently.
Read more: Motivate Kids With ADHD With Responsibility Charts

Goally | Learning Videos for Kids

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Wash Clothes” to “How to Load the Dishwasher,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

Dive into the Goal Mine channel, where Puffy the Penguin leads your child through behavior skills training videos. They’ll learn social, hygiene, and living skills that are key to their independence. For those moments when they need a break, the Chill Zone channel offers low stimulation video content with Paulie the Penguin at the beach, perfect for relaxation and self-regulation.

Try Goally as an app on any device you have at home for just $15. We also have a dedicated tablet (which ONLY has Goally on it) for $149.


In Short, Laundry Lessons are Lifelong

Laundry might seem mundane, but it’s a life skill that serves kids well into adulthood. Most importantly, it’s an excellent way for them to contribute to household chores. And as your young ones get the hang of washing clothes, they’ll develop responsibility and a sense of accomplishment. Are you looking to unlock the rest of the video lessons that teach “wash clothes”? Grab Goally’s dedicated Tablet and watch your kids become laundry experts. With every spin cycle, they’re not just cleaning clothes but building character, too. So, next time a spaghetti catastrophe occurs, you’ll know your child has it covered. Literally.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.