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Teach Your Kid How to Put on Shoes

The sun’s rays sneak into your living room, and there is the morning ritual. Your kiddo, shoe in hand, a look of determined focus. Yet, the process of actually getting that shoe on the foot? It’s like fitting a square peg in a round hole. We get it; teaching kids essential life skills can sometimes feel like a scene from a sitcom. But here’s the good news: with a touch of guidance and our easy-to-follow steps, your child can master the art of shoe-wearing. Plus, after reading, don’t forget to check out our Goal Mine class video, which presents these concepts in a fun and engaging manner for kids.

Step NumberTaskKey Points
1Pick the Correct ShoesComfort Over Style Ease of Use Durability
2Match the Shoes to Your FeetLeft vs. Right Openings Forward
3Place Your Foot InsideToe First Heel Push Secure the Fastening

Step 1: Pick the Correct Shoes

Firstly, and most importantly, selecting the right pair of shoes is crucial. But why, you ask?

  • Comfort Over Style: Above all, comfort trumps style for growing feet. Look for a shoe with ample cushion and support. Have you ever tried walking a mile in tight shoes? It’s not a pretty picture.
  • Ease of Use: For kids, Velcro or slip-on shoes can be a game-changer, especially during the early stages of learning. In other words, if it’s easy for them, it’s less of a hurdle for you.
  • Durability: Active kids need shoes that can keep up. Look for sturdy materials that can handle the playground and beyond. However, remember to balance durability with flexibility.
Read more: How to Teach Kids to Put on Socks

For instance, allowing your child to pick their shoes (within reason) can boost their enthusiasm for the process. It’s a slight touch that makes a big difference.

Step 2: Match the Shoes to Your Feet

You might think this is straightforward. However, for young minds, it can be a fun puzzle. 

  • Left vs. Right: Teach them the basics. One trick? Place a sticker inside each shoe cut in half. When matched correctly, the sticker forms a whole image. Voilà, instant success!
  • Openings Forward: Ensure the opening of the shoe face upwards. It’s a tiny detail, but can save minutes of puzzled frowns.

Similarly, practicing this step with fun games can make it a breeze. For example, turn the matching process into a race or offer small rewards for consistent right choices.

put shoes on. a kid is putting her shoes on.
Read more: How to Take Your Shoes Off

Step 3: Place Your Foot Inside

This is where the magic happens. But, just like a dance, it’s all about the technique.

  • Toe First: Guide them to lead with the toes, slipping them into the shoe’s front. It sets the stage for a smoother entry.
  • Heel Push: Teach them to press down on the heel once the toes are set. It ensures a snug fit without any awkward wriggling.
  • Secure the Fastening: Be it laces, Velcro, or buckles, securing the shoe is the final triumphant step. It’s the proverbial cherry on top.

Meanwhile, during this step, be patient. Offer plenty of praise and avoid expressing frustration. They’re learning, after all, and every attempt is a step in the right direction.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Goally | Best Videos to Teach Life Skills

Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 100+ video classes teaching life skills like “How to Choose a Restaurant,” “How to Interrupt Politely,” and “How to Get Ready for School.”

Goally takes kids on an adventure that includes interactive practice and checkpoints along the way! No web browsers, YouTube, or social media.

In Short, Keep Practicing!

Each day brings its own set of challenges, and parenting is no walk in the park. But, as you and your child tackle the art of shoe-wearing, remember this: every misstep, every laugh, every small victory is a precious memory in the making. And if you loved our tips, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet to unlock even more engaging video lessons on “put on shoes” and other essential skills. It’s not just about putting on a shoe; it’s about embracing each learning moment with joy and patience. Happy shoe-wearing!

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