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How to Help My Autistic Child

how to help my autistic child. A boy is outside.

You’ve searched “how to help my autistic child,” and now you’re here, ready to make a difference. Parenting a neurodivergent child can be both challenging and rewarding. In this guide, we’ll provide you with actionable steps to support your child’s unique needs, such as communication, sensory integration, and social skills. By following these steps, you’ll create a nurturing environment for your child to thrive, and you’ll feel more confident in your parenting journey.

1. Embrace Your Child’s Uniqueness

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate your child’s individuality. Every autistic child is different, and understanding their specific strengths and challenges will help you tailor your approach. For example, some kids may excel in visual thinking, while others may have exceptional memory skills. By focusing on their strengths, you can foster self-esteem and confidence.

  • Identify your child’s strengths and interests
  • Encourage their passions and hobbies
  • Reinforce positive behaviors and achievements

2. Foster Communication Skills

Communication is crucial for every child, and for autistic kids, it may require extra attention. To help your child develop their communication skills, try using visual aids like picture cards or social stories. Be patient and give them ample time to process information and respond. Encourage them to express their feelings and thoughts, and always validate their emotions.

how to help my autistic child. A boy is in overalls.
Read more: Real World Life Skills for Kids

Here are some tips to enhance communication:

  • Use simple, clear language
  • Offer choices to encourage decision-making
  • Model appropriate communication behaviors
  • Consider using communication devices or apps, like Goally, to support your child’s needs

3. Create a Sensory-Friendly Environment

Many autistic children are sensitive to sensory stimuli, such as sounds, lights, or textures. To create a comfortable environment, consider using soft lighting, noise-canceling headphones, or weighted blankets. In addition, provide opportunities for sensory play, like playing with playdough or water beads. These activities can help your child self-regulate and cope with sensory challenges.

Consider these sensory-friendly strategies:

  • Minimize clutter and distractions
  • Use calming colors and decor
  • Offer a designated “quiet space” for relaxation

4. Establish Consistent Routines

Structure and predictability can be incredibly beneficial for autistic kids. Establishing consistent routines for daily activities like meals, bedtime, and playtime can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of security. However, it’s also important to gradually introduce changes to help your child develop flexibility and adaptability.

Here are some ways to create routines:

  • Use visual schedules or charts
  • Establish morning and evening routines
  • Include regular breaks and downtime
  • Use tools like Goally to help manage routines and tasks

Build Custom Printable Visual Schedules

Is your child having trouble managing their routines? Here’s a free visual schedule builder. Goally’s custom tool allows you to create printable personalized schedules that motivate your child to focus on their tasks. Perfect for morning, homework, and bedtime routines, this free visual schedule builder is easy to use and will help your child reach their full potential.

Click below to make your CUSTOM printable visual schedule! 👇

5. Encourage Social Interaction

Social skills are an essential aspect of development, and autistic children may need extra support in this area. To help your child build social skills, arrange playdates with peers, practice turn-taking games, and role-play social scenarios. Meanwhile, consider enrolling your child in social skills groups or therapy to further enhance their abilities.

Try these social skill-building activities:

  • Engage in cooperative play
  • Practice making eye contact and using greetings
  • Teach empathy and understanding of emotions

6. Collaborate with Professionals

Working with a team of professionals, such as therapists, educators, and medical providers, can be invaluable in supporting your child’s development. These experts can offer guidance, resources, and specialized interventions tailored to your child’s needs. Maintain open communication with your child’s support team and stay informed about their progress.

how to help my autistic child. An autistic child plays outside.
Read more: ADHD Morning Routine Checklist | Free Printable

Consider these professional resources:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Behavioral therapy

7. Educate Yourself and Others

Knowledge is power, and understanding autism can help you better support your child. Seek out reputable sources of information, attend workshops, and join support groups to connect with other parents. In the same vein, educate your family, friends, and your child’s educators about autism to foster understanding and acceptance.

Here are some ways to educate yourself and others:

  • Read books and articles on autism
  • Attend conferences and workshops
  • Share resources and experiences with others

8. Practice Self-Care

Lastly, remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as supporting your child. Parenting a neurodivergent child can be demanding, so make sure to prioritize your well-being. Engage in activities that bring you happiness, seek support from loved ones, and consider therapy or counseling if needed.

Self-care tips for parents:

  • Set aside time for hobbies and interests
  • Connect with other parents for support
  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Goally | Apps To Support Child Development

Looking for fun ways to help your child learn life skills? Try Goally! The Goally tablet comes with award-winning learning apps and video classes to help kids develop the skills they need to become independent with FUN & evidence-based practices.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Our apps teach executive function, language, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more.

As your child develops new skills, you can increase the difficulty level of the tasks in the app to challenge and motivate them even further. This helps your child grow and progress at their own pace, while also keeping them engaged and excited about their development.

Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

In short, helping your autistic child thrive involves understanding their unique needs, fostering communication, creating a sensory-friendly environment, and establishing routines. By following these steps and collaborating with professionals, you’ll be well-equipped to support your child’s growth and development. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and there are countless resources and support networks available to help you along the way.

FAQ’s About How to Help My Autistic Child

What are some strategies to help my autistic child with communication?
Encourage your child to use visual aids, such as pictures or gestures, to express their needs and feelings. Consider working with a speech therapist to develop a communication plan tailored to your child's abilities.

How can I create a structured environment for my autistic child at home?
Establish a consistent daily routine with clear expectations and visual schedules. Provide a designated quiet space for your child to retreat to when feeling overwhelmed.

What can I do to help my autistic child with sensory sensitivities?
Identify your child's specific sensory triggers and create a sensory-friendly environment at home. Offer sensory tools, such as noise-canceling headphones or weighted blankets, to help them regulate their sensory input.

How can I support my autistic child's social skills development?
Encourage your child to participate in structured social activities, such as social skills groups or clubs that align with their interests. Practice social scenarios and role-play at home to help them build confidence in social interactions.

What resources are available to help me better understand and support my autistic child?
Connect with local autism support groups, therapists, or organizations for guidance and resources. Explore reputable online resources, such as Autism Speaks or the Autism Society, for information and strategies to support your child's unique needs.

This post was originally published on 05/23/2023. It was updated on 04/22/2024.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.