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Free Printable Toddler Bedtime Routine Charts

Free printable toddler bedtime routine charts this image shows a child sleeping beside her dad reading a story

As parents, we all know how important a bedtime routine can be for our little ones. It helps them wind down from the day, gives them a sense of security, and can even improve their sleep quality. But, getting toddlers to follow a consistent bedtime routine can be a real challenge. That’s where free printable toddler bedtime routine charts come in handy.

What Are Free Printable Toddler Bedtime Routine Charts?

These are visual aids that help children understand how to prepare for bed. They typically include pictures or words representing different steps in the bedtime routine, such as brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, reading a story, and turning off the lights.

Benefits of Free Printable Toddler Bedtime Routine Charts

Customize visual schedules that teach kids independence. No more nagging, no more stress.

There are many benefits to using these charts, including:

  1. Encouraging Independence: By providing a visual guide, children can learn to complete each step of their bedtime routine independently. Moreover, this builds their confidence and sense of independence.
  2. Reducing Stress: Children thrive on routine and predictability. A consistent bedtime routine can let them feel secure and reduce anxiety around bedtime.
  3. Improving Sleep: A consistent bedtime routine can help children fall asleep faster. This will also make them stay asleep longer, and feel more rested.
  4. Teaching Life Skills: By including tasks like brushing teeth and putting on pajamas, free printable toddler bedtime routine charts can help teach children essential life skills and promote good hygiene habits.

How to Use Free Printable Toddler Bedtime Routine Charts

Free printable toddler bedtime routine charts this image shows a child sleeping  soundly
Read more: Video Modeling for Neurodivergent Kids

These charts are easy and can be customized to fit your child’s unique needs. The following are some steps you can follow:

  1. Choose a chart that fits your child’s age and interests. Many free printable toddler bedtime routine charts are available online, so take time to find one your child will enjoy.
  2. Please print out the chart and laminate it for durability. You can also use a dry-erase marker to check off each night’s step.
  3. Explain the chart to your child and walk them through each step of the routine so they can remember easily.
  4. Please encourage your child to use the chart independently each night, checking off each step as they go.
  5. Celebrate your child’s successes and offer gentle reminders when needed.

Real-World Examples

Here are some real-world examples of how these tools are used:

  1. The Johnson Family uses a free printable bedtime routine chart to help their 3-year-old daughter get ready for bed each night. They have found that the visual aid helps their daughter feel more in control and less anxious around bedtime.
  2. The Garcia Family has created a custom bedtime routine chart for their 5-year-old son, who has ADHD. The chart includes extra reminders for tasks like taking medication and calming down before bed, which has helped their son fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  3. The Smith Family uses a dry-erase marker to check off each step of their 2-year-old daughter’s bedtime routine. They have found that checking off each step has become a fun game for their daughter and has helped her feel more independent.

Goally | Routines that Actually Work

Goally’s skill building tablet for kids has routines that break down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

A notification from the Goally Parent App on the best tablet for kids indicating the start of a potty routine, demonstrating parental control features.

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning. See it in action:

In conclusion, free printable toddler bedtime routine charts are helpful for parents looking to support their child’s development. By encouraging independence, reducing stress, improving sleep, and teaching life skills, routine bedtime charts can make bedtime a more positive experience for parents and children. So, why not try them and see how they can help your little one sleep soundly through the night?

This post was originally published on 03/13/2023. It was updated on 06/21/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.