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Emotion Wheel Chart | Free Printable

We’ve all been there. A child in our care is crying, shouting, or shutting down, and we’re left guessing what triggered it. Understanding your kid’s emotions can feel like deciphering an alien language. But here’s a secret tool that might help – an emotion wheel chart! It’s a valuable resource to unravel these emotional mysteries, making it easier for you and your child to navigate their feelings.

The Emotional Spectrum of Kids

Kids feel things deeply, that much we know. However, expressing those feelings? That’s where things can get tricky. The spectrum of emotions they experience can sometimes seem like an alien language, even to the most intuitive parent.

  • Happy or Sad: These are primary emotions that even toddlers grasp easily.
  • Frustrated or Excited: Secondary emotions start coming into play as kids grow older.
  • Anxious or Overwhelmed: Tertiary emotions emerge as children face more complex situations at school or home.
emotion wheel chart. a mother is talking to her son.
Read more: Printable Feelings Chart for Kids

A Deeper Dive Into the Emotion Wheel Chart

To clarify, think of the emotion wheel chart as a roadmap to your child’s heart and mind. It divides feelings into basic (happy/sad) categories to more complex (ashamed/embarrassed). In essence, it helps decipher the emotional lingo of kids.

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Promoting Emotional Intelligence with Emotion Wheel Chart

Teaching our kids about their feelings empowers them with self-awareness and empathy – the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. The emotion wheel chart is an excellent tool for this task, making it easier for kids to identify and express their emotions.

Practical Ways to Use the Emotion Wheel Chart

In other words, let’s talk about how you can practically use this tool in your daily parenting:

  1. Identify Emotions: Encourage your child to use the chart when they are feeling a strong emotion. This helps them label what they’re feeling.
  2. Daily Check-Ins: Make it a habit to check in with your kid’s emotions at least once a day using the chart.
  3. Talk About It: Open up conversations about different feelings and situations that might trigger them.
emotion wheel chart. a mother is talking to her daughter while laying in bed.
Read more: Emotional Development in Children: Talking About Feelings and Emotions

A Tool For All Kids

Certainly, every child can benefit from understanding their emotions better; however, this tool becomes invaluable when dealing with neurodivergent kids or those with special needs. The ability to pinpoint and communicate feelings could significantly reduce stress and meltdowns while promoting self-awareness and confidence in these children.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

To Sum Up…

The journey into our kids’ emotional world doesn’t have to be guesswork – tools like the emotion wheel chart give us clear markers along the way. Understanding their emotional language will undoubtedly strengthen our bond with them as we guide our little ones through life’s ups and downs.
So why not start today? Download our free printable PDF of an emotion wheel chart now! With this practical guide by your side, you’ll be ready to manage and truly understand your child’s rollercoaster ride of feelings. Remember: You’re doing great work as parents already – being more aware of their emotions will only make your journey together more rewarding.

FAQ about Emotion Wheel Chart

1. What is an emotion wheel chart?
- An emotion wheel chart is a tool that helps kids identify and express their feelings more accurately.

2. How can I use the emotion wheel chart with my child?
- You can use the emotion wheel chart to engage your child in conversations about their emotions, helping them understand and manage them better.

3. Why should parents consider using an emotion wheel chart?
- Parents should consider using an emotion wheel chart as it fosters emotional intelligence in kids, which contributes significantly to their overall development.

4. Can an emotion wheel chart help children with special needs or neurodivergent kids? 
- Yes, it's beneficial for all kids, including those with special needs or neurodivergence, as it provides a visual aid to recognize and communicate emotions effectively.
Article by
Hennah, one of Goally's blog writers.

Hennah is an experienced writer and researcher, helping children with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergent conditions. As a blog contributor for Goally, she combines her deep understanding of neurodiversity with practical advice, offering valuable insights to parents and educators.