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Printable Feelings Chart for Kids

Help your child learn to control their emotions and use one of our feelings charts so they can track and process their emotions. A feelings chart helps kids learn to self-reflect and label the emotions they experience.Feelings charts help kids understand how to use terminology to describe how they feel. They can then communicate with adults about their emotions. When children can properly articulate their feelings, parents can help them learn how to process and work through the emotions. Some studies show that when kids feel confident communicating their feelings, they have reduced levels of anxiety

Read more: Free Printable Behavior Worksheets

Benefits of Using Feelings Charts

When children can quickly identify their emotions, they can begin to develop coping mechanisms. Learning these self-regulation strategies early in life can help set them up for success in the future. Our feelings charts help kids uncover and identify the causes of their emotions. Once a child has identified their triggers, they can begin to learn ways to reframe their thoughts to avoid outbursts and prevent meltdowns. This is an essential skill to develop at a young age to be better prepared for life’s challenges. 

Read more: Free Printable Antecedent Behavior Consequence Charts

Of course, it’s important to approach this exercise with a positive and encouraging attitude. Your child may not always react to things in the most constructive way, but this is their opportunity to learn and improve their emotional reactions. With your support and guidance, they can develop the skills they need to manage their feelings in a healthy and productive way. Download your feelings charts below!

Help your child reflect on the causes of their emotions. It can be a really helpful exercise for both you and your little one. As a parent, you play a big role in your child’s emotional development, and how you handle your own emotions can set the tone for how your child processes their own feelings.

Goally | Kid’s Tablet for Building Emotional Regulation Skills

Is your child struggling with understanding and managing their emotions? Goally teaches emotional regulation skills in a fun and interactive way!

The Mood Tuner app encourages kids to look inwards and identify their feelings, helping them understand what’s going on inside. Once they’ve recognized their emotions, they can choose from a variety of exercises designed to help them self-regulate and find their balance.

So, one way you can support your child’s emotional growth is by working together to create a feelings chart. This can help them identify what’s causing certain emotions and give them a better understanding of how to manage them. Plus, as you work on the chart together, you may even learn a thing or two about yourself and how you handle your own emotions. Long-lasting change takes time and every child learns at a different pace. It can be helpful to inform anyone who cares for the child about the work they’re doing with their feelings chart to control and process their emotions. When every adult in the child’s life knows how to support them, they’ll learn faster.

This post was originally published on 01/10/2023. It was updated on 06/16/2023. 

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.