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a Goally Publication



5 Essential Life Skills for Kids

As parents, we’re on the front lines, cheering on our kids as they conquer new skills. This is especially true for parents of neurodivergent kids, where each new skill mastered feels like a victory. Here, we will explore 5 essential life skills that can set your child toward confidence and independence.

1. Communication: The Foundation of Connection

Let’s kick things off with communication. This is the cornerstone of all relationships, and it’s about more than just talking. It’s about expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs in a way others can understand. For neurodivergent kids, this can sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth.

But, there’s good news. They can learn to express themselves effectively with the right tools and strategies. Visual aids, social scripts, and even technology can be game-changers. For example, the Goally learning tablet offers a range of apps designed to help kids communicate better.

Read more: What are Life Skills?

2. Self-Care: The Path to Independence

Next up, we have self-care. This isn’t about spa days and bubble baths (although those are great!). It’s about the basics – brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating healthily. These tasks can feel like climbing a mountain for kids with thinking and learning differences.

5 essential life skills. A boy is using his blue Goally device to help him with washing his hands.

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But, they can reach the summit with patience, consistency, and practice. Start with small steps, celebrate progress, and remember that every child moves at their own pace. Goally can be a helpful companion on this journey, offering visual prompts and reminders to help kids master self-care tasks.

3. Time Management: The Art of Organization

On to time management. This is a skill that many adults struggle with, so it’s no surprise that it can be challenging for kids, especially those who are neurodivergent. Understanding the concept of time, staying organized, and managing tasks can feel like juggling flaming torches.

Read more: How To Improve Executive Function: The Ultimate Guide

But, kids can learn to manage their time more effectively with visual schedules, timers, and apps. This not only helps them complete tasks independently but can also reduce anxiety. Goally offers features like visual timers and task management, making it a handy tool for teaching time management.

4. Social Skills: The Key to Building Relationships

Now, let’s talk about social skills. These are the keys to building and maintaining relationships. Understanding social cues, taking turns, showing empathy – these skills may not come naturally to neurodivergent kids.

5 essential life skills. 5 kids are watching something on a phone together.

However, with role-playing, social stories, and guided practice, they can learn to navigate social situations more effectively. It’s all about providing them with the tools they need to build their social skills toolbox.

5. Problem-Solving: The Power of Critical Thinking

Finally, we have problem-solving. This is about more than just solving math problems. It’s about thinking critically, making decisions, and handling unexpected situations. For kids with thinking and learning differences, this can be a tricky skill to master.

But, with games, puzzles, and real-life scenarios, they can learn to think critically and solve problems. Please encourage them to ask questions, explore solutions, and learn from their mistakes. Remember, every problem is an opportunity for learning and growth.

Goally | Skills Training Videos for Kids

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s TV app for kids has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

A positive customer testimonial on a social media profile about the best tablet for kids by Goally, showcasing user satisfaction.

Dive into the Goal Mine channel, where Puffy the Penguin leads your child through behavior skills training videos. They’ll learn social, hygiene, and living skills that are key to their independence. For those moments when they need a break, the Chill Zone channel offers low stimulation video content with Paulie the Penguin at the beach, perfect for relaxation and self-regulation.

To wrap things up, these 5 essential life skills are stepping stones to independence for all kids, especially for neurodivergent kids. The journey may be challenging, but every small victory counts. With patience, understanding, and the right strategies, your child can master these skills and stride confidently toward a future filled with potential.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.