Co-Parenting Kids With Special Needs is Hard. Try Something Easier.
Get on the same page with your co-parent with Goally's suite of apps... even if they’re a narcissist? Save yourself the arguments for $399.
Add as many steps as your kiddo needs.
In a University study, parents using
Goally reported amazing results.
69% Reported
fewer meltdowns
86% Reported
fewer arguments
88% Reported
less stress
We’ll help you add pictures
and videos so your kiddo
always knows what to do.
You can schedule every
routine so it happens
consistently, whether or
not you're there in person.
Goally helps your kids with
modeling, audio cues, and a timer.
Kids even earn rewards when they complete routines!
Points can translate between mom or dad's house.
Make changes to routines on the fly, have Goally verbalize steps for you, and adjust in real time as your kiddo gains new skills. Goally's apps work great for co-parenting! Less arguing + more consistency = happier families.
Create custom routines, visual guides, and
token boards for your kiddo in minutes.
Day 1: Order now and Get Goally in less than a week!
Day 5-7: Implementation call with a Goally Coach.
Day 7: Start your routines with Goally!
Day 8-10: Refine your routine! One size does not fit all :)
Day 11-14: See major progress and create more routines!