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Medicaid Waiver Guide – Oklahoma

As a parent of a neurodivergent kid, you’ve probably felt like you’re trying to navigate a maze in the dark regarding understanding healthcare and benefits. It’s a puzzle. Well, you’re not alone in this. We’ve put together this guide to help you make sense of Oklahoma Medicaid, a key resource for parents like you. We’ll walk you through everything from eligibility to the application process, providing practical steps to help you secure your child’s support. And remember, with Goally by your side, you’re never alone in this journey.

Demystifying Oklahoma Medicaid

First, let’s break down what Oklahoma Medicaid is. It’s a joint state and federal program providing health coverage for low-income individuals. This includes some low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. For parents of neurodivergent kids, this can be a real game-changer, opening doors to essential services and treatments.

But how does it work? Oklahoma Medicaid is managed by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA). They’re the ones who handle everything from applications to managing benefits. So, they’re an excellent first point of contact if you have any questions or need help with the process.

Eligibility and Application

how do you know if your child qualifies for Oklahoma Medicaid? There are a few factors to consider, including your family’s income, your child’s age, and their health status. But don’t worry, we’re here to break it down for you.

  • Income: Your family’s income plays a big role in determining eligibility. But keep in mind income limits can vary depending on the specific Medicaid program.
  • Age: Typically, children under the age of 19 are eligible for Medicaid.
  • Health Status: If your child has a disability or health condition, they may qualify for additional benefits.
oklahoma medicaid. parents meet with a medicaid specialist.
Read more: Does My Child Qualify for Medicaid?

Applying for Oklahoma Medicaid might seem like a mountain to climb, but it’s more like a hill when you break it down into steps. You can apply online, by mail, or in person. The OHCA website has all the forms and instructions you need to get started. And remember, Goally is here to support you every step of the way.

Goally Waiver ScorecardScore
Website clarity and ease of navigation1/5
Access and requirements of qualification0/5
Healthcare coverage3/5

Benefits and Services

Now, let’s talk about the benefits. Oklahoma Medicaid covers a wide range of services. This includes everything from doctor visits and hospital care to immunizations and prescription drugs. But for neurodivergent kids, there’s even more on offer.

Services such as behavioral health, speech, and occupational therapy may also be covered. These are crucial for helping your child navigate their world and reach their full potential. The specific benefits can vary depending on your child’s needs and the specific Medicaid program, so it’s worth taking the time to understand what’s available.

Waivers and Programs

But what if your child needs more specialized services? That’s where Medicaid waivers come in. These programs allow states to provide services beyond those typically covered by Medicaid. In Oklahoma, several waivers could be a lifeline for neurodivergent kids.

For example, the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver provides services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or certain related conditions. This could include anything from personal care services to help with daily activities to specialized medical equipment. It’s all about providing the support your child needs to thrive in their home and community.

Navigating the System

While the system may seem like a labyrinth, resources are available to help you find your way. The OHCA is a great place to start. They provide a wealth of information on Medicaid programs and can guide you through the application process. But don’t stop there.

Contact healthcare professionals, social workers, or advocacy groups for additional support and guidance. They can provide invaluable insights and advice based on their experience. And, of course, Goally is always here to provide support and resources to help you navigate the journey.

Other online resources for Oklahoma:

Telephone Resources

Oklahoma Health Care Authority — 405-522-7752

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Wrapping Up

Getting to grips with Oklahoma Medicaid and its various programs and waivers can feel daunting. But remember, you’re not alone. There are resources and support available to help you navigate this journey. Understanding the system and taking proactive steps can secure the support your child needs to thrive.

After all, every child deserves access to quality healthcare. Oklahoma Medicaid can be crucial to making that a reality for your child. And with Goally by your side, you’ve got a trusted partner to help you navigate the journey. So, take a deep breath; you’ve got this!

Who can apply?

Circumstances/Diagnosis: Any child under 19 who is diagnosed with either an intellectual and/or developmental disability (this includes autism). The state requires that individuals need at least an intermediate care facility level of care to qualify. This has a technical definition but essentially just means that the individual is unable to get through their day without a lot of supervision.
Income: Income eligibility is only based on the child’s income and not the parents income. This means that your child is financially eligible for the waiver if they don’t have an income.

What do I get?

The way TEFRA waivers work is that they allow families with higher incomes to receive medicaid benefits for their child because eligibility is based on the child income. This means that you will be able to receive dental care, emergency and non-emergency transportation, inpatient and outpatient treatment, medical equipment, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, vision.

How can I apply?

Call your local Oklahoma Human Services Office and set up an appointment and apply for any of these three waivers.

What does the Goally Team Think?

You can get the TEFRA waiver immediately, but it takes about 8 years to get services from Oklahoma’s other waiver programs. This wait is totally unacceptable and needs to be shortened. While you wait to get all the services the waiver can provide, ask your Oklahoma Human Services Office about the Family Support Assistance Payment that can get you $250-$400 a month in cash if you have a child under 18 with a disability.

This post was originally published on 02/16/2021. It was updated on 09/17/2023.