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What is Social Emotional Learning for Kids?

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The fancy way of describing how your kid learns to balance their feelings, dreams, and friendships. The skills they pick to handle emotions, set reasonable goals, and make friends genuinely matter. All of that, plus being aware of themselves and getting along with others, helps them shine in school, their jobs in the future, and, indeed, life as a whole!

Frequently Asked Question


What is Social Emotional Learning for Kids?

It’s a learning process where kids pick up skills to manage their emotions, form healthy relationships, and set realistic goals.

Why is Social Emotional Learning necessary for kids?

SEL equips kids to handle their feelings, social interactions, and personal goals, fostering emotional health and life success.

How can parents support Social Emotional Learning at home?

Parents can help by expressing their own feelings clearly, encouraging empathy, assisting in goal setting, and making thoughtful decisions.

Can Social Emotional Learning benefit kids at school?

Absolutely, SEL enhances school success by bolstering kids’ abilities to focus, collaborate, and resolve conflicts.

Scientific Definition


Moving over to a more technical take, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Kids is an educational approach that encourages children to acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to understand and manage their own emotions, set and achieve realistic and positive goals, establish and maintain mutually satisfying relationships, and make responsible decisions. This process revolves primarily around five core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.



Video Explanation


A Real Life Example of Social Emotional Learning for Kids

Meet Charlie, a 7-year-old with a heart of gold but is often overwhelmed by his feelings. Through Social Emotional Learning (SEL), he’s been making remarkable strides. Let’s explore how SEL works in Charlie’s world:

  • When Charlie gets really upset because he lost a game, he recalls SEL helping him understand that it’s okay to lose sometimes. It’s part of life!
  • Charlie has a dream, a big one! He wants to be a chef because he loves baking with his mom. Through SEL, he learns about setting small, reachable goals, like learning to make one new cookie recipe each week.
  • Charlie and his best friend, Sam, had a huge argument and aren’t speaking. Instead of staying mad, SEL teaches Charlie to empathize with Sam and mend their friendship.

Charlie’s journey with SEL strengthens his emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, setting a sturdy foundation for an emotionally healthy future.

SEL Skills Real Examples from Charlie’s Life
Managing emotions Dealing with loss gracefully
Goal setting Learning new cooking recipes
Building relationships Resolving arguments with friends

How is Social Emotional Learning Work?

How is Social Emotional Learning for Kids put into practice? Let’s break it down:

  • Emotion Recognition: Kids identify and name their own feelings. This helps them understand themselves better.
  • Emotion Management: They learn how to express their feelings in appropriate ways, helping avoid meltdowns or outbursts.
  • Empathy: SEL teaches kids to recognize and understand others’ feelings, promoting kind interactions.
  • Decision-Making: Kids get the tools to make thoughtful and respectful decisions that consider others’ feelings.
  • Goal Setting: SEL instills the ability in kids to set beneficial goals for their personal growth and success.