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What is Social Emotional Assessment?

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Think of social emotional assessment like a doctor’s check-up but for feelings and friendships. It’s a way to see how well someone understands their feelings and gets along with others.

Frequently Asked Question


Why would a child need a social emotional assessment?

To identify their strengths and areas for growth in handling emotions and building relationships.

Are social emotional assessments suitable for all kids?

While they’re beneficial for kids facing challenges, they can provide insights for any child’s emotional and social development.

Can digital tools like Goally assist in social emotional learning?

Yes, Goally’s apps teach kids about emotional regulation, daily routines, and social skills in a fun way.

Scientific Definition


Social emotional assessment is a comprehensive method professionals use to evaluate an individual’s capacity to recognize, understand, and regulate emotions and their ability to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. It encompasses various tools and techniques to gain insights into a person’s socio-emotional strengths and areas for growth.

Real World Example of Social Emotional Assessment

Meet Susie, a bubbly 7-year-old who’s been struggling at school. Her parents decided it was time for a social-emotional assessment.

  • Playdate Observations: At a park playdate, Susie seemed hesitant to join in tag. Was she feeling shy or left out?
  • Chat Time: During a friendly chat with the assessor, Susie shared that she often felt “butterflies” around many kids.
  • Activity Fun: Through an engaging board game, it was observed that Susie had moments of frustration when she didn’t win. But hey, don’t we all sometimes?
  • Results Day: Feedback showed Susie excelled in empathy but needed a boost in group settings.

The silver lining? Now, with clear insights, Susie’s family can support her even better!


How does Social Emotional Assessment work?

Social emotional assessments aren’t magic; they’re a mix of observation, conversation, and activities. Here’s a peek into how they work:

  • Observation: Experts watch how kids interact with others and respond to situations.
  • Conversation: Kids chat about feelings, friends, and school.
  • Activities: Fun tasks or games that help show a kid’s emotional and social skills.
  • Feedback: After the assessment, parents get a summary of what was learned.

It’s like taking a magnifying glass to see how a child makes friends and handles feelings, but in a fun way!


Looking for a fun, tech-savvy way to boost your child’s social-emotional skills? Goally might just be your answer. Our tablet comes loaded with engaging apps that teach emotions, daily routines and make learning social skills a game. It’s like having a tiny teacher in the palm of your hand!



This post was originally published on August 14, 2023.