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What is the Autism Society of America?

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The Autism Society of America, in a straightforward way, is an organization that helps kids with autism and their families. This group provides info about autism and advice to parents and organizes fun things, like events and activities. They’re all about supporting families touched by autism.

Frequently Asked Question


What does the Autism Society of America do?

They support families with autism by providing education, advocating for supportive policies, organizing events, and offering resources.

How can the Autism Society of America benefit my child with autism?

They offer practical advice, resources and social opportunities tailored to the unique needs of kids with autism.

Does the Autism Society of America advocate for autism rights?

Yes, they actively push for fair and supportive policies at all government levels.

Do they organize events for kids with autism?

Absolutely! They regularly schedule enjoyable experiences, providing a safe and comfortable space for socializing.

Scientific Definition


Regarded as the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, the Autism Society of America spearheads multifaceted efforts to improve the lives of those with autism. It advocates for appropriate services for individuals across their entire lifespan. In 2018, the society helped around 600,000 individuals on the spectrum and their families with its services. Providing reliable information on autism, guidance for parents, and organizing community-based activities, their mission extends beyond research to tuition reimbursement for professionals in the field, thereby strengthening autism care and support.

Video Explanation


A Real World Example of How the Autism Society of America Helps Families

Let’s journey with a kid named Bobby. He’s an 8-year-old with autism, and the Autism Society of America comes onto the scene in a big way.

  • Bobby was very fond of trains, but social situations often flustered him. Hearing about Bobby’s fondness for trains, the Autism Society of America arranged a special family visit to a local railway museum. The group assisted to ensure the trip was smooth and enjoyable, accounting for Bobby’s unique needs.
  • Bobby’s parents had a tough time understanding how to help him cope with sensory overload. The Autism Society of America provided them with practical tools and techniques, educating them on how to turn their home into a more sensory-friendly space.
  • The Autism Society of America also hooked Bobby up with a local theatre group hosting autistic-friendly plays. At the play, the lighting, volume, and crowd size were all modified to be less overwhelming, allowing Bobby to experience the magic of theatre in comfort.

These examples show the scope of how the Autism Society of America provides support to kids like Bobby and their families, making daily life more comfortable and enjoyable.

How the Autism Society of America is Used?

The Autism Society of America pops up as a real game-changer for families with autistic kids. Here’s a quick rundown of how they pour some sunshine into their lives:

  • Education: They offer up-to-date and real-world advice on dealing with autism’s unique challenges.
  • Advocacy: They’re a voice for change, fighting for fair and supportive policies at every level of government.
  • Events: Fun and engaging experiences are regularly scheduled to provide a safe space for socializing.
  • Resources: When families hit a snag, they’re there with vital resources to help navigate the journey.

In essence, the Autism Society of America stands as a pillar for those living with autism—lifting them up, fighting their battles, and connecting them with folks who ‘get it.’ They’re like a best friend who’s in it for the long haul.