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What Is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)?

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The ADOS test is a tool doctors use to see if someone has autism. It involves a series of activities and interactions between the person being evaluated and the doctor to see how the person communicates and plays. The results help the doctor make a diagnosis of autism.


Frequently Asked Question


How is ADOS administered?

ADOS is administered by a trained professional and involves a series of activities and interactions between the individual being evaluated and the administrator.

Who can perform ADOS assessments?

ADOS assessments can be performed by trained professionals such as psychologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, and occupational therapists.

How reliable is ADOS?

ADOS is considered a reliable and valid tool for diagnosing autism and evaluating symptom severity, but it should be used in combination with other tools and information to make a comprehensive assessment.


Scientific Definition


Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a tool that helps doctors determine if someone has autism. It’s like a test that takes place over a short period of time and includes a series of activities and interactions between the person being evaluated and the doctor. The doctor will observe how the person communicates and plays and ask them to complete specific tasks. The results of the ADOS test are used, along with other information, to see if the person has autism. It’s vital to remember that autism is a complex condition, and the ADOS test is just one part of the evaluation process. The results from the ADOS test and other information help doctors make an accurate diagnosis of autism.


Video Explanation


Real World Example of Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)

Meet Susie, a bright and curious child. One day, Susie’s parents took her to the doctor for an important assessment called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Here’s how it went:

  • Activities and Interactions: Susie played games and engaged in activities with the doctor, who observed her closely.
  • Communication Skills: The doctor listened as Susie spoke and watched how she used body language to express herself.
  • Task Completion: Susie was given specific tasks to complete, like building blocks or drawing pictures, to assess her abilities.
  • Supportive Evaluation: The doctor used the ADOS test, along with other information, to gain a comprehensive understanding of Susie’s development.
  • Accurate Diagnosis: With the results from ADOS and additional assessments, the doctor determined that Susie had autism, enabling her parents to access appropriate support and resources tailored to her needs.

Through ADOS, Susie’s doctor could provide valuable insights and guidance to help her thrive and reach her full potential.

How Does Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Work?

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a valuable tool used by doctors to assess individuals for autism. Here’s how ADOS works:

  • Observational Assessment: ADOS involves a series of activities and interactions between the person being evaluated and the doctor.
  • Communication and Interaction: The doctor carefully observes how the person communicates, both verbally and non-verbally, and their social interactions during the assessment.
  • Structured Tasks: The person is asked to complete specific tasks designed to evaluate their social communication skills and repetitive behaviors.
  • Standardized Scoring: ADOS utilizes standardized scoring criteria to assess the severity of autism symptoms and provide a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: The results from ADOS, combined with other clinical information, contribute to a comprehensive assessment and help doctors make an accurate autism diagnosis.

These assessments, combined with other information, help doctors gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s autism diagnosis. Goally, our tablet device, supports kids with ADOS through fun apps that build life skills, language skills, and social abilities. It offers digital schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skill training videos, aiding children in their development and ADOS assessment.


This post was originally published on Feb. 5, 2023. It was updated on July 12, 2023.