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What is Selegiline?

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Selegiline is a medication that can help kids with special needs. It’s used to treat certain conditions that affect their brain and behavior.

Frequently Asked Question


How long does it take to see the effects of Selegiline in children?

The timeline for improvement varies among individuals, but positive changes in attention and mood may become noticeable after several weeks of consistent use under medical supervision.

Are there any dietary restrictions when taking Selegiline?

Some foods, particularly those high in tyramine, should be limited while using Selegiline to avoid potential interactions. However, your doctor can provide specific dietary guidance.

Can Selegiline cause changes in behavior or mood in children?

While rare, some children might experience changes in behavior or mood. If you notice any concerning changes, consult your healthcare provider promptly.

Is Selegiline addictive or habit-forming for kids with special needs?

Selegiline is not considered addictive when used as prescribed by a doctor, and there is a low risk of dependence in children.

Scientific Definition


Selegiline is a medication that helps manage Parkinson’s disease symptoms in adults. It can also benefit children with autism or ADHD by increasing dopamine levels, potentially improving mood, attention, and cognitive function. Always consult a healthcare professional for guidance and a prescription tailored to your child’s unique needs and medical history.

Video Explanation


Side Effects of Selegiline

While selegiline can benefit kids with special needs, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects. Here are some of the possible side effects:

  • Mild and Temporary: In many cases, side effects of selegiline are mild and transient, not causing significant disruption to daily life.
  • Nausea or Upset Stomach: Some children may experience mild stomach discomfort that usually improves over time.
  • Headache: Occasional headaches might occur, but they often go away independently.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Rarely, Selegiline can affect sleep patterns, but these effects are usually short-lived.

Although selegiline might have some minor side effects, it’s essential to remember that its potential benefits for children with neurodivergent conditions can outweigh these concerns. 

What Does Adderall Selegiline?

Selegiline can be a helpful medication for kids with special needs, such as autism or ADHD. Here’s how selegiline might help kids:

Benefits Description
Improved Attention Selegiline may enhance focus and attention in children with ADHD, helping them stay on task and engage better in daily activities.
Mood Regulation This medication might aid in stabilizing mood swings, promoting a more even and positive emotional state.
Reduced Repetitive Behaviors For some children with autism, selegiline may help reduce repetitive or compulsive behaviors, allowing for more adaptive behaviors.
Enhanced Cognitive Function Selegiline’s action on brain chemicals like dopamine could support cognitive abilities, such as memory and problem-solving skills.
Support Social Interaction In some cases, selegiline might contribute to improved social interactions, making it easier for kids to connect with others.

Remember, it is very important to check with your doctor to see if this medication is fit for you or your kid’s condition. 


This post was originally published on Aug. 5, 2023. It was updated on Nov. 9, 2023.