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What Is Object Impermanence?

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Object impermanence is when kids have difficulty understanding that objects continue to exist even when they can’t see or touch them. This can make them think things disappear just because they can’t see them.

Frequently Asked Question


Is object impermanence only a problem for people with ADHD?

No, object impermanence can affect anyone, but it is more common in people with ADHD.

How can I help someone with object impermanence?

You can help by establishing routines, using visual aids, practicing organization, setting reminders, and seeking support from a therapist or coach.

Is object impermanence treatable?

Yes, object impermanence can be treated and managed through the use of strategies and tools, such as those listed above, and with the help of a therapist or coach. With the right support, people with ADHD can overcome object impermanence and improve their daily lives.

Scientific Definition


Object Impermanence refers to a cognitive trait where individuals struggle with comprehending that objects have an enduring existence, even when they are not within their immediate sensory perception. This means that children experiencing this may find it challenging to grasp that objects remain present in the world even when they are out of sight, leading them to believe that things cease to exist simply because they can no longer see or touch them. This phenomenon is often observed in various neurodivergent conditions and plays a role in shaping how these individuals perceive and interact with their surroundings.

Video Explanation


Treatment to Help with the Symptom Object Impermanence

To effectively address the symptoms of object impermanence, consider the following treatments and strategies:

  • Visual Aids: Use pictures or videos to illustrate how objects remain even when unseen.
  • Narrative Techniques: Tell stories where objects reappear, reinforcing the concept.
  • Interactive Play: Engage in games involving hiding and revealing objects.
  • Routine and Predictability: Create consistent routines to reinforce object permanence.

With consistent application of these methods, kids can gradually grasp object permanence. Results vary, but nurturing understanding can enhance cognitive skills and interaction with the world.

Conditions Associated with Object Impermanence

Conditions associated with object impermanence can vary and may impact individuals differently. Here are some conditions commonly associated with object impermanence:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Some children on the autism spectrum may exhibit Object Impermanence as part of their difficulty in grasping abstract concepts.
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Children with ADHD might struggle with Object Impermanence due to challenges in maintaining sustained attention on objects and ideas.
  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): SPD can contribute to Object Impermanence by influencing how sensory information is processed, affecting the awareness of object persistence.

Understanding these conditions can guide individuals, parents, and caregivers in seeking appropriate support and implementing strategies to address object impermanence. Goally’s tablet and apps aid kids with object impermanence, fostering organizational skills, executive functioning, emotional regulation, social skills, and routines.


This post was originally published on Feb. 10, 2023. It was updated on August 29, 2023.