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The Melillo Method

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The Melillo Method is a way to help people with learning and behavior issues caused by problems in their brain and nerves. It uses exercises, chiropractic care, and different types of stimulation to help improve the connection between other parts of the brain and create balance.

Frequently Asked Question


Is The Melillo Method effective?

The effectiveness of the Melillo Method can vary from person to person, but it has shown promising results for many individuals with neurodevelopmental and educational disabilities.

Who is this method for?

The Melillo Method is designed for individuals who have neurodevelopmental or educational disabilities, including children and adults.

How is it different from other treatment approaches?

The Melillo Method is unique in that it focuses on restoring balance to the brain by using a combination of different forms of stimulation and activities, while also incorporating the latest technology and tools. It also includes diet, nutrition, and behavioral management as part of the comprehensive approach.

Scientific Definition


The Melillo Method is a way to help people with problems in their brains and nerves that are causing learning and behavior issues. The doctor who created this method, Dr. Robert Melillo, believes that these problems can be fixed using special treatments like exercises and chiropractic care. The Melillo Method aims to make the brain work better and help people feel better and learn better. It uses different types of stimulation, like light, sound, and movement, to activate specific brain parts and improve their connection. The method also includes things like laser therapy, nutrition, and behavior management to help create balance in the brain. It’s important to remember that while the Melillo Method may show promise, more research is needed to determine its effectiveness, and it should be approached with caution. As with any new treatment approach, you must consult a healthcare professional before starting.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of The Melillo Method

Meet Susie, a curious and determined 8-year-old girl. Susie had been struggling with reading and focusing in school, often feeling frustrated. Her parents, determined to help her, learned about the Melillo Method and decided to give it a try. Here’s how it unfolded:

  • Evaluation: Susie’s parents took her to a specialist who assessed her brain and nerve functions, identifying areas that needed improvement.
  • Specialized Exercises: Susie started doing targeted exercises that strengthened her brain connections and improved her reading skills.
  • Stimulation: With the Melillo Method, Susie experienced the power of light, sound, and movement stimulation, which activated specific areas of her brain responsible for attention and focus.
  • Chiropractic Care: Regular chiropractic adjustments helped optimize Susie’s nervous system, further supporting her brain function.
  • Laser Therapy: Susie also received gentle laser therapy sessions, promoting healing and enhancing her overall brain activity.
  • Nutrition and Behavior Management: Susie’s parents ensured she had a balanced diet and implemented behavior management techniques suggested by the Melillo Method.

As a result of their dedication and the Melillo Method, Susie’s reading skills improved, and she became more confident and focused in school, enjoying learning like never before.

How Does the Melillo Method Work?

The Melillo Method utilizes various techniques to improve brain function and address learning and behavior issues. Here’s how it works:

  • Stimulation: The method employs light, sound, and movement to activate specific brain areas and enhance their connectivity.
  • Exercises: Specific exercises are designed to target and strengthen different brain functions and pathways.
  • Chiropractic care: Adjustments and manipulations help optimize nervous system function and support overall brain health.
  • Laser therapy: This non-invasive treatment utilizes low-level laser light to stimulate brain activity and promote healing.
  • Nutrition: A focus on proper nutrition supports brain health and aids in creating a balanced environment for optimal functioning.
  • Behavior management: Implementing strategies and techniques to manage behaviors enhances overall effectiveness of the method.

While the Melillo Method offers various approaches to improving brain function and addressing learning and behavior issues, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional and be aware that further research is needed to determine its effectiveness. Goally, our tablet, complements the Melillo Method with interactive apps for kids. It supports learning, behavior, and development through digital schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skills training.


This post was originally published on Feb. 9, 2023. It was updated on July 12, 2023.