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Standard Score

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A standard score is like a measuring tape, indicating your child’s performance relative to the average. It helps identify their strengths and areas requiring improvement.

Frequently Asked Question


What does a positive or negative standard score mean?

A positive standard score means your child’s test score is above the average, while a negative score indicates it’s below the average. The further the score is from zero, the further it is from the average.

Is a lower standard score bad?

No, a lower standard score is not bad. It simply indicates that a child may need extra help in a certain area compared to other kids, and this information can be used to provide targeted support and help them grow.

Can a standard score change over time for a child with special needs?

Yes, a child’s standard score can change as they receive interventions and gain new skills, making it a dynamic tool to track progress and adapt support strategies accordingly.

Are there different types of standard scores used for children with special needs?

Yes, various standard scores are used, such as adaptive behavior standard scores, which assess a child’s daily living skills, communication, and socialization, providing a comprehensive view of their functioning in specific domains.

Scientific Definition


A standard score, often referred to as a z-score, is a statistical term used in psychometrics and assessment. It quantifies how many standard deviations a specific data point, or score, is from the mean of a distribution. In the context of assessments for kids with special needs, this score helps us grasp where a child’s abilities or skills stand in relation to a typical population. A standard score provides an exact, numerical measure of difference, which can guide parents, educators, and clinicians to understand a child’s unique needs and strengths. It’s a tool to highlight where a child shines and where extra support might be beneficial.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Standard Score

Meet Charlie, an 8-year-old full of curiosity and enthusiasm. As Charlie embarked on his educational journey, his parents noticed he faced challenges with reading and writing. Eager to support him effectively, they delved into the world of standard score definition, seeking a clearer understanding of their son’s abilities. Here’s a glimpse into Charlie’s story:

  • Discovery: Charlie’s parents decided to consult a specialist in special education who conducted standardized assessments. These assessments generated standard scores, offering insights into Charlie’s reading and writing skills compared to peers his age.
  • The Standard Score Definition: Charlie’s reading standard score came in at 90, while his writing standard score was 85. These figures indicated that he lagged slightly behind his peers in these areas.
  • Spotting Strengths: However, the specialist also made an intriguing observation. Charlie’s standard score for math stood at 110, showcasing his exceptional talent in this subject. This revelation shed light on Charlie’s hidden potential.
  • Personalized Support: Equipped with this valuable information, Charlie’s parents and educators collaborated to create a tailored Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This plan focused on boosting his reading and writing skills while nurturing his aptitude for math.
  • Progress: Over time, Charlie’s reading and writing standard scores began to climb, gradually approaching the average. Meanwhile, his math score continued to shine brightly.

Charlie’s journey exemplifies how standard scores can be a practical tool for parents and educators, guiding them in recognizing a child’s distinct needs and talents while providing targeted support for their success.

How Does Standard Score Work?

When it comes to assessing and supporting children with special needs, standard scores are a valuable tool. They provide essential insights into a child’s abilities and guide educators and parents in tailoring effective interventions. Here’s a brief overview of how standard scores work:

  • Assessment: Standard scores gauge a child’s performance in relation to a standardized reference group, helping professionals identify their strengths and areas requiring improvement.
  • Personalization: These scores assist in creating personalized education plans, ensuring that each child receives the specific support they need to thrive.
  • Progress Tracking: Standard scores enable the tracking of a child’s development over time, showing how they are progressing in different skills.
  • Customized Support: Educators use standard scores to tailor teaching methods and resources, ensuring they align with a child’s abilities and challenges.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Parents can make informed decisions regarding their child’s educational and therapeutic needs based on standard score assessments.

Standard scores are a practical tool that empowers parents and educators to provide the best possible support for children with special needs, guiding them toward success.


This post was originally published on May 23, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 4, 2024.