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How Do I Model Language?

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Modeling language is a fun and effective method for parents to enhance their children’s communication skills. By demonstrating how to use words, sounds, or signs, parents help kids learn to talk, listen, and understand better. It’s like playing a copycat game, making it enjoyable for both parents and children. This approach is particularly beneficial for kids with special needs as it creates a happier and more comfortable learning environment.

Frequently Asked Question


Who benefits from modeling language?

Modeling language is especially helpful for children with special needs, like those with trouble with speech, as it can make learning to communicate easier and more enjoyable.

How does modeling language work?

Adults show children how to use language by modeling it themselves, such as through playing with toys, reading books, or making faces, and the children copy what they see.

How can I use modeling language with my child?

You can use modeling language with your child by showing them how to use language in everyday activities, such as playing with toys, eating snacks, or reading books.

Scientific Definition


Modeling language is a valuable teaching method for children with special needs, such as autism or developmental delays. It involves parents, teachers, or therapists demonstrating the use of words, sounds, or signs to help kids improve their communication skills. This approach can be applied to spoken language, sign language, or even augmentative and alternative communication devices. By observing and imitating adults, children learn to talk, listen, and comprehend more effectively. Modeling language makes learning to communicate easier and more enjoyable for kids, offering a natural and engaging experience. Special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, and parents of children with special needs can all benefit from incorporating this method into their teaching and caregiving practices.

Real World Example of Modeling Language

Meet Susie, a curious and imaginative child who loves exploring the world around her. One day, Susie’s mom decided to introduce her to the power of modeling language. Here’s a brief story showcasing how modeling language can bring joy and learning to Susie’s life:

  • Morning Routine: Every morning, Susie and her mom would go through their morning routine together. Mom would model language by describing each step: “Let’s brush our teeth, Susie. We move the toothbrush in circles to keep our teeth clean!”
  • Storytime Adventures: During storytime, Susie’s mom would use expressive gestures and facial expressions while reading. This modeling language made the characters come alive and helped Susie understand emotions and actions.
  • Pretend Play: Susie and her mom loved playing pretend. When they played “restaurant,” mom modeled language by taking Susie’s order and using full sentences: “Hello, welcome to our restaurant! What would you like to eat today?”
  • Exploring Nature: While taking walks, Susie’s mom would point out objects and describe them using rich vocabulary. “Look, Susie! That’s a beautiful red flower called a rose. It smells lovely!”

Through these playful interactions, Susie’s mom guided her in developing strong communication skills and a love for language. Modeling language became a magical tool that made learning fun for Susie!

How Does Modeling Language Work?

Modeling language is a powerful technique that aids children in developing their communication skills. Here’s a brief introduction on how it works and some examples of how it can be implemented:

  • Parental Example: Parents demonstrate proper language usage by speaking clearly and using gestures or signs alongside their words.
  • Sentence Expansion: When a child says a simple phrase, parents respond by expanding it into a more complete sentence, reinforcing proper grammar and vocabulary.
  • Repetition: Parents repeat key phrases or sentences to help children internalize and remember them.
  • Question and Answer: Engaging in conversational exchanges, parents ask questions and encourage children to respond, fostering communication skills.
  • Storytelling: Parents use storytelling to engage children, exposing them to new vocabulary and narrative structures.

By implementing these strategies, parents can effectively support their child’s communication development. Goally, our tablet supports this with visual schedules, AAC, games, and learning activities that make modeling language even more enjoyable and effective!


This post was originally published on April 1, 2023. It was updated on July 8, 2023.