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What is a Behavior Analyst Certification Board?

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The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) establishes standards for behavior analysts. These analysts study behavior and support children with special needs. BACB certification ensures analysts have received specialized training to understand and modify behavior effectively. This certification demonstrates the analyst’s competence in helping children with special needs improve their behavior.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is BACB certification important?

BACB certification is important because it signifies that a behavior analyst has met high standards of competence and professionalism. It demonstrates their ability to apply evidence-based practices and provide effective interventions to improve the lives of individuals with special needs.

How does the BACB ensure ongoing professional development?

The BACB requires behavior analysts to engage in continuous professional development to maintain their certification. They must accumulate a specified number of continuing education units (CEUs) through activities such as attending conferences, workshops, and completing relevant coursework.

Can parents trust behavior analysts certified by the BACB?

Yes, parents can trust behavior analysts certified by the BACB. Certification indicates that the behavior analyst has undergone rigorous training, gained practical experience, and adheres to ethical guidelines, ensuring they are well-equipped to support children with special needs using evidence-based practices.

Scientific Definition


The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) is a recognized organization that sets professional standards and credentials for behavior analysts. These analysts apply behavior analysis principles to understand and modify behavior in individuals with special needs. By seeking BACB certification, behavior analysts undergo extensive training and education in behavior analysis. They learn to assess behavior, identify influencing factors, and develop effective interventions for positive behavior change. Certification signifies that analysts meet rigorous criteria, demonstrating competence in behavior analysis principles, ethical conduct, and ongoing professional development. BACB-certified analysts are equipped to provide evidence-based interventions that improve the lives of individuals with special needs and their families.

Real World Example of Behavior Analyst Certification Board

Meet Susie, a curious seven-year-old facing attention challenges. Seeking support, her parents consult a behavior analyst certified by the BACB.

  • Initial Assessment: Susie’s behavior analyst, Sarah, observes her in different settings to understand her challenges and goals.
  • Personalized Intervention: Sarah creates a tailored behavior plan with strategies like visual aids and structured routines.
  • Hands-On Support: Sarah teaches Susie’s parents techniques to implement the plan effectively.
  • Progress Monitoring: Sarah regularly evaluates the interventions’ effectiveness, collaborating with Susie’s teachers and parents.
  • Positive Results: Susie’s attention and focus improve, leading to increased engagement and meaningful interactions.

BACB-certified behavior analysts like Sarah empower children like Susie to reach their full potential. Their expertise ensures effective interventions for children with special needs.

How Does a Behavior Analyst Certification Board Work?

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) sets high standards for behavior analysts supporting individuals with special needs. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Certification Process:
    • Meet educational requirements (typically a graduate degree in behavior analysis or related field).
    • Complete supervised practical experience hours.
  2. Pass the BACB certification exam to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
    • Ongoing Professional Development:
    • Engage in continuous learning through earning continuing education units (CEUs).
    • Attend conferences, workshops, training sessions, or complete relevant coursework.
  3. Ethical Guidelines:
    • Adhere to ethical principles like client confidentiality and informed consent.
    • Avoid conflicts of interest and prioritize the welfare of individuals with special needs.

By following BACB’s standards, behavior analysts provide evidence-based interventions and promote positive behavior change in children with special needs. Goally, a tablet-based solution, complements their work, offering fun apps like digital visual schedules and AAC to help kids build life and language skills.


This post was originally published on May 16, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.