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What is Assessment, Curriculum Guide, and Skills Tracking?

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Assessment gathers information about a child’s progress in school, behavior, and social interactions. A curriculum guide serves as a flexible roadmap for teachers to plan a child’s learning, adaptable to their special needs. Skills tracking involves monitoring a child’s performance over time, highlighting strengths and areas that may need additional support. This insight empowers teachers to provide targeted assistance and foster the child’s development.

Frequently Asked Question


How can I prepare my child for an assessment?

To prepare your child for an assessment, it can be helpful to talk to them in advance about what to expect and why the assessment is important. You may also want to practice any skills or tasks that are likely to be assessed, such as reading or math problems.

Can a curriculum guide be adjusted as my child's needs change?

Yes, a curriculum guide can be adjusted as your child’s needs change. This may involve modifying learning goals, objectives, or activities to better meet your child’s needs, or adjusting accommodations and modifications to ensure access to learning.

How can I track my child's progress at home?

There are many ways to track your child’s progress at home, such as keeping a journal of milestones, tracking academic progress through homework and assignments, or using apps and tools that provide data on your child’s development. It can be helpful to work with your child’s teacher or therapist to determine the best methods for tracking progress based on your child’s needs and goals.

Scientific Definition


Assessment involves gathering information about a child’s abilities and needs in academics, social skills, and behavior through tests, observations, and interviews. It helps identify areas requiring support or accommodations. A curriculum guide outlines learning goals, objectives, and activities, aiding educators in planning instruction aligned with standards. It can be customized for students with special needs, ensuring inclusive learning. Skills tracking monitors progress in academic, communication, and social-emotional areas, identifying intervention needs and evaluating effectiveness. Educators use data to plan instruction, recognizing strengths and areas requiring more support.

Real World Example of Assessment, Curriculum Guide, and Skills Tracking

Meet Susie, a 7-year-old girl with autism who needs support in school. Here’s how assessment, curriculum guides, and skills tracking can help:


  • Teacher observations and parent interviews reveal Susie’s strengths and challenges.
  • A formal assessment confirms deficits in social communication and executive functioning skills.
  • This guides targeted support and accommodations.

Curriculum Guide:

  • A personalized guide is created to address Susie’s needs.
  • It sets specific learning goals and activities.
  • Visual schedules, sensory breaks, and social stories aid learning and reduce stress.

Skills Tracking:

  • Ongoing tracking shows progress and areas needing improvement.
  • Susie improves in following directions and initiating social interactions.
  • Focus during longer tasks requires additional assistance.

In conclusion, assessment, curriculum guides, and skills tracking are essential for supporting special needs children like Susie. Individualized goals, targeted support, and progress monitoring lead to success in school and beyond.

How Do Assessment, Curriculum Guide, and Skills Tracking Work?

Assessment, curriculum guides, and skills tracking are vital for supporting children with special needs. Let’s break it down:


  • Gather information on a child’s abilities and needs through observations, interviews, and tests.
  • Analyze the data to identify areas where additional support or accommodations are necessary.
  • Develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan based on the assessment results.

Curriculum Guide:

  • Outline learning goals, objectives, and activities for a student.
  • Incorporate accommodations and modifications to ensure access to learning.
  • For example, provide braille materials for visually impaired students or an FM system for those with hearing impairments.

Skills Tracking:

  • Monitor a child’s progress in academics, communication, and social-emotional growth.
  • Identify areas for support or intervention and evaluate the effectiveness of existing interventions.
  • Use observations and assessments like spelling tests or progress reports.

In summary, assessment, curriculum guides, and skills tracking are crucial for supporting the learning and development of children with special needs. Goally is the ultimate tablet for kids with special needs. With fun apps, including digital visual schedules, AAC, and gamified learning, Goally helps build life and language skills. It also teaches emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills through engaging activities and skill training videos.


This post was originally published on May 2, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.