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American Psychiatric Association

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The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is a big group of people who help with mental health. They have been around since 1844. The APA made a big book called the DSM. The DSM helps doctors know about different brain conditions and helps kids with special needs.

Frequently Asked Question


What is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?

The DSM is a guide created by the American Psychiatric Association, used by mental health professionals to identify and classify mental disorders, including conditions related to neurodiversity and special needs.

How does the American Psychiatric Association support mental health professionals?

The APA supports mental health professionals through research, education, advocacy, and by providing resources like the DSM to aid in the diagnosis and understanding of mental health conditions.

Does the American Psychiatric Association only focus on psychiatrists?

While the APA primarily consists of psychiatrists, the organization also includes other mental health professionals, researchers, and clinicians, all working together to improve mental health care and understanding.

Scientific Definition


The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is a leading organization of mental health professionals. It was founded in 1844 and is now the largest psychiatric organization in the world. Its members include psychiatrists, researchers, and clinicians. The APA works to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. They publish the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a guide for mental health professionals. The DSM helps identify and understand various neurodiverse conditions, supporting kids with special needs.

Real World Example of American Psychiatric Association

Susie is a young girl who has been struggling in school. Her parents notice she’s having a hard time, so they decide to find help:

  • Susie’s parents seek the guidance of an American Psychiatric Association-member psychiatrist.
  • The psychiatrist uses the DSM to help identify Susie’s challenges, and she is diagnosed with dyslexia.
  • Thanks to the APA’s ongoing research and education, Susie’s psychiatrist knows the latest strategies for supporting children with dyslexia.
  • Susie begins receiving specialized support and accommodations at school, guided by the APA’s advocacy for better mental health policies.
  • Her parents learn about dyslexia through public awareness campaigns supported by the APA, which helps them understand and support Susie.

Susie’s family can access the knowledge and resources they need by seeking help from a mental health professional associated with the American Psychiatric Association. As a result, Susie gets the support she needs to overcome her challenges and thrive at school.


In conclusion, the American Psychiatric Association supports kids with special needs by providing knowledge and resources. In combination with Goally, a tablet offering fun skills-building apps, kids can further enhance their life and language abilities, making daily routines enjoyable and more manageable.

How Does the American Psychiatric Association Work?

The American Psychiatric Association is dedicated to helping people with mental health issues. They do this through various activities and resources:

  • Publishing the DSM: The APA creates and updates the guide that helps doctors and therapists identify and understand mental health conditions.
  • Research: They support studies to learn more about mental health and find better ways to help people.
  • Education: The APA offers courses and training for mental health professionals to keep them up-to-date on new findings.
  • Advocacy: They work with lawmakers to create better mental health policies.
  • Public awareness: The APA helps people understand mental health and fights stigma by sharing accurate information.

The American Psychiatric Association plays a crucial role in mental health. By supporting research, education, and advocacy, they help to create a better understanding of neurodiversity and provide assistance to those in need, including kids with special needs and their families.