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a Goally Publication



How to Make the Bed | Parent Guide

Knowing how to make the bed is a valuable life skill, offering kids a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. Parents, we’ve all been there, wondering how to impart such skills without overwhelming our kids. Here’s the good news: we’ve distilled this seemingly mundane task into a fun, engaging learning experience, making it seamless for you to guide your kids through. We’ve outlined simple steps that resonate with the youthful spirits of your kids, making learning enjoyable. For a more interactive experience, a Goal Mine class in video form is included right here on the blog! Let your kids watch and learn, making bed-making a breezy routine.

Step 1: Clear the Bed

Remove Used Linens

Firstly, it’s crucial to start with a blank canvas. Encourage your kids to remove pillows, stuffed animals, or other items from the bed. It’s a simple task but a fundamental one. Teach them the importance of a neat starting point; it makes the whole process smoother and more organized.

Guide them through the process; make it a playful routine. Use encouraging words and appreciate their efforts, no matter how small.

Step 2: Smooth Out the Mattress Topper

Arrange the Mattress Protector

After that, direct the kids to straighten out the mattress topper or protector. It’s a small detail but vital for maintaining a tidy appearance. A smooth base is the secret ingredient for a well-made bed. Assist your kids initially; let them take the lead gradually. It fosters a sense of responsibility and achievement, enhancing their learning experience.

How to make the bed. A woman smooths the covers on an unmade bed.
Read more: Getting Chores Done With Goally

Step 3: Spread the Fitted Sheet

Secure the Corners Properly

Subsequently, let the kids spread the fitted sheet evenly across the bed. Ensuring the corners are snug is essential for keeping the sheet in place. It’s the foundational step in learning how to make the bed correctly. Turn it into a fun activity! Maybe a small reward for those snug corners? It makes learning engaging and fruitful.

Step 4: Arrange the Top Sheet

Align the Top Edge with the Head of the Bed

Now, instruct the kids to lay the top sheet flat. Aligning the top edge with the head of the bed and tucking in the sides provides a neat finish. It’s a pivotal step in mastering the art of bed-making. Be patient; let them explore and learn. A gentle nudge here and there is enough. Celebrate their successes and encourage learning from mishaps.

How to make the bed. A woman supervises her child arrange a comforter on a bed.
Read more: List of Chores Your Kid Can Do Today!

Step 5: Place the Comforter or Duvet

Ensure Even Distribution

Meanwhile, guide the kids in placing the comforter or duvet evenly. It’s crucial to avoid lumps and ensure a symmetrical appearance. It’s the icing on the cake in learning how to make the bed. Make it a team effort; it builds camaraderie. It’s an excellent opportunity to bond and learn, making the process enjoyable for everyone.

Step 6: Position the Pillows

Arrange Neatly

Lastly, teach the kids to position the pillows neatly. It’s the final touch in creating a well-made bed. A neatly arranged bed is inviting and exudes a sense of calm and order. Encourage creativity; let them arrange the pillows in a way they like. It adds a personal touch and makes the learning process unique.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

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Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 100+ video classes teaching life skills like “How to Choose a Restaurant,” “How to Interrupt Politely,” and “How to Get Ready for School.”

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Teaching kids how to make the bed is not just about neatness; it’s about instilling a sense of responsibility, order, and accomplishment. It’s about making learning fun, engaging, and rewarding. Parents, your gentle guidance and encouragement catalyze this learning journey. For those eager to delve deeper and master the first step, don’t forget to watch our embedded Goal Mine class video. It’s a treasure trove of interactive learning, making bed-making a joyous routine.

And, for many such insightful lessons, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet. It unlocks a world of video lessons that guide your kids through every step of learning how to make the bed and many more valuable life skills. Remember, every small step counts. Celebrate the journey and watch your kids flourish.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.