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a Goally Publication



How to Get Enough Sleep

We’ve all been there—battles over bedtime, restless nights, and groggy mornings. Establishing healthy sleep routines for kids can feel like an uphill climb, but it’s worth making. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into practical strategies to get enough sleep, making those sleepless nights a thing of the past. Our Goal Mine class also showcases these concepts through an engaging video, encouraging kids to learn independently. So, grab a comfy seat and delve into this reservoir of insights, tailor-made for caregivers seeking peaceful nights and energized mornings.

Step 1: Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

In creating a sound sleep environment, routine is king. Consistency signals to the child’s body that it’s time to wind down.

  • Set a Specific Bedtime: Opt for a time that ensures adequate sleep, accounting for the child’s age.
  • Create a Relaxing Pre-Sleep Ritual: A soothing activity can make all the difference, whether reading a book or taking a calming bath.
  • Ensure a Comfortable Sleep Environment: A cool, dark, quiet room is conducive to better sleep. To clarify, this means dimming the lights and minimizing noise.

For example, instilling a bedtime of 8 PM and creating a ritual around it fosters a sense of security and predictability. Moreover, it aids in aligning the child’s internal body clock with the sleep-wake cycle.

Step 2: Limit Screen Time Before Bed

The glow of screens can be an adversary to sleep.

  • Enforce a Screen Curfew: Ideally, an hour before bedtime. This helps in reducing stimulation and allows the brain to relax.
  • Encourage Calm, Non-Screen Activities: Reading or puzzles can be a great substitute, fostering relaxation.

In other words, swapping the tablet for a book can pave the way for smoother transitions to dreamland. Additionally, it nurtures a love for reading and develops cognitive skills.

How to get enough sleep. A child reads a book in his bed.
Read more: Does My Child Have a Sleep Disorder? Quiz

Step 3: Optimize Nutrition and Hydration

What kids consume has a direct impact on their sleep.

  • Avoid Caffeine and Sugar Before Bed: These can cause wakefulness and disrupt sleep.
  • Incorporate a Balanced Diet: A well-rounded meal promotes overall well-being and better sleep.
  • Ensure Proper Hydration, But Not Too Close to Bedtime: This prevents unnecessary wake-ups leading to nighttime bathroom visits.

Meanwhile, focus on a nutrition-rich dinner to keep those midnight hunger pangs at bay. Most importantly, be mindful of the timing of meals and fluid intake.

Step 4: Encourage Physical Activity

A body in motion tends to sleep better.

  • Promote Regular Exercise: Activities during the day can lead to better sleep at night.
  • Avoid Intensive Exercise Close to Bedtime: It can lead to overstimulation, impacting sleep quality.

Certainly, the role of physical activity is paramount in ensuring sound sleep. However, finding a sweet spot in timing is crucial to prevent counterproductivity.

How to get enough sleep. Two children stretch side by side on the floor.
Read more: Does ADHD Affect Sleep?

Step 5: Foster a Positive Sleep Association

Building positive associations with sleep makes bedtime something to look forward to.

  • Create a Pleasurable Sleep Environment: Soft blankets and a favorite plush toy can make the bed inviting.
  • Keep the Atmosphere Calm: A tranquil environment reinforces positive associations with bedtime.

Likewise, little comforts and a serene atmosphere play pivotal roles in forming healthy sleep attitudes. Subsequently, kids start viewing bedtime as a pleasant experience rather than a chore.

Step 6: Address Fears and Anxieties

It’s paramount to understand and alleviate any concerns impacting sleep.

  • Maintain Open Communication: Addressing fears helps in fostering a sense of security.
  • Develop Coping Mechanisms: Teaching kids to manage their anxieties is empowering.

In conclusion, an empathetic approach to addressing anxieties can pave the way for emotional resilience and better sleep. Above all, nurturing a trusting relationship aids in creating a supportive environment that fosters peace of mind.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Goally | Best Videos to Teach Life Skills

Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 100+ video classes teaching life skills like “How to Choose a Restaurant,” “How to Interrupt Politely,” and “How to Get Ready for School.”

Goally takes kids on an adventure that includes interactive practice and checkpoints along the way! No web browsers, YouTube, or social media.

Navigating the terrain of kids’ sleep routines is no easy feat. However, embracing consistency, balancing nutrition, and fostering positive sleep associations can make the journey less tumultuous. It’s about creating an environment conducive to sleep and addressing the unique needs of each child. For more insights and to delve deeper into the steps for attaining restful slumber, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet to unlock the remainder of our enlightening video lessons. Here’s to empowering kids with the tools they need for a lifetime of restful nights and dynamic days!

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.