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Learning Tablet for 5 Year Old: Experts Reveal Top 3 Tablets Catering to Unique Needs of Young Learners

May 8, 2024

3 min read

educational tablets for 5 year olds. Image of a blue tablet with a picture of pajamas on it. The tablet is showing a game called "Put on Pajamas". The game is designed to help children learn about pajamas.

Exciting news for parents of 5-year-olds! A new study has found three amazing learning tablets that can help your child grow and learn in incredible ways. Did you know that these groundbreaking devices are especially helpful for neurodivergent kids? With so many cool features and benefits, these tablets are like superpowers for young minds. But wait, there are also some things to watch out for! Don’t worry, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to make the best choice for your child.

1. Goally Learning Tablet: A Tailor-Made Solution for Neurodivergent Kids

First up is the Goally Learning Tablet, specifically designed for kids with thinking and learning differences. This tablet offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for 5-year-olds to navigate. The Goally Learning Tablet is packed with features that help neurodivergent kids develop life skills and stay on track.

  • Customizable visual schedules and routines
  • Reward systems to motivate and encourage positive behavior
  • Parental controls to ensure a safe and secure online experience
educational tablets for 5 year olds. a girl is watching a show on her table while laying on the couch.

However, it’s essential to note that the Goally Learning Tablet focuses primarily on helping neurodivergent kids develop life skills, so it may not offer as many educational games or apps as other tablets.

2. LeapFrog LeapPad Academy: A Well-Rounded Choice for All Kids

Next on our list is the LeapFrog LeapPad Academy, a popular choice among parents of both neurodivergent and neurotypical kids. This tablet boasts a library of over 20 educational apps, including games, videos, and eBooks. The LeapSearch browser offers kid-safe content curated by learning experts, ensuring your child has access to age-appropriate material.

“Which language games will help my kid the fastest?” 👇

Goally’s tablet has some of the top language learning games & apps that help kids learn their first 50 words, practice finger dexterity & fine motor skills, AND communicate with AAC.

  • Parental controls that allow you to set time limits and manage access to apps
  • A durable design with a built-in bumper to withstand the occasional tumble

On the other hand, some parents may find the LeapFrog LeapPad Academy’s content subscription service a bit pricey, so it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the costs.

3. Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition: A Versatile Option for Diverse Interests

Last but not least, the Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition is a versatile option for families looking for a tablet that caters to a wide range of interests and needs. This device features a one-year subscription to Amazon FreeTime Unlimited, offering access to thousands of educational apps, games, books, and videos.

educational tablets for 5 year olds. a girl watches a show on her tablet with her dad.
Read more: 4 Year Old Behavior Chart
  • Parental controls that let you create individual profiles for each child set screen time limits, and filter content
  • A durable kid-proof case to protect the tablet from accidental drops and spills
  • A two-year worry-free guarantee, which means Amazon will replace the tablet if it breaks

However, some parents may find the Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition’s interface less intuitive for younger children, so it might require a bit more guidance and supervision.

Choosing the Perfect Educational Tablet for Your 5-Year-Old

When it comes to educational tablets for 5-year-olds, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Each of the tablets mentioned above offers unique features and benefits that are for different needs and preferences. As a parent, it’s essential to consider your child’s specific requirements, interests, and learning style when making a decision. Check out Goallys learning apps for kids.

Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 15+ learning apps that teach life skills. There are NO web browsers, social media, or YouTube.

Our apps teach executive function, language, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more. It also 100+ video classes teaching social skills.

To sum up, the Goally Learning Tablet is an excellent choice for neurodivergent kids who need support with life skills and routines, while the LeapFrog LeapPad Academy offers a wide range of educational content for both neurodivergent and neurotypical children. Meanwhile, the Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition provides a versatile option with access to an extensive library of apps and content. By carefully evaluating each tablet’s features and looking at the pros and cons, you can find the perfect device to support your child’s learning journey and help them thrive. Remember, Goally is here to help you every step of the way!

This post was originally published on 05/29/2023. It was updated on 05/08/2024.

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Emily is a seasoned blog writer for Goally, leveraging her extensive background in child psychology and special education to provide valuable insights and resources for parents. Her commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of these children, combined with her expertise in educational strategies, makes her a credible and empathetic voice for families.