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Behavior Support Plan Example | Parents Guide

As a parent, you know that every child is unique, and some may require a little extra support to thrive. If you’re seeking guidance on creating a behavior support plan for your neurodivergent child, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some essential components of a successful behavior support plan example to help your child flourish.

1. Identify the Target Behaviors

Got a behavior that’s proving to be a challenge for your child? It could be those instant tantrums, a case of impulsive choices, or trouble handling transitions from one activity to the next. Pinpointing these behaviors precisely is the key to crafting a compelling behavior support plan example.

Now, here’s where Goally makes your life easier. With Goally, you don’t have to manually track these behaviors. This handy tool tracks for you, letting you monitor your child’s progress effortlessly. Just input the specific behaviors you’re trying to address, and you’re good to go. Remember, creating an effective plan is all about precision, perseverance, and having the right tech tools in your corner!

  • Observe your child’s behavior patterns
  • Take notes on when and where the behaviors occur
  • Consider any triggers or antecedents that may contribute to the behaviors
behavior support plan example. 2 kids sit at the table and color together.
Read more: What is a Behavior Support Plan?

2. Set Clear and Achievable Goals

Once you’ve identified the target behaviors, establish clear and attainable goals for your child. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound. For example, if your child struggles with transitions, a goal might be to decrease transition-related meltdowns by 50% within three months. Goally can help you set and track these goals effectively.

  • Focus on one or two goals at a time
  • Ensure goals are realistic and achievable
  • Involve your child in the goal-setting process when appropriate

Recommended Routine Apps:

Images of Goally's Routines, Behavior tracker, and Timer apps, all apps to help kids with time management.

Pro tip— Use tech to make routines fun for kids and transitions a breeze. See all of our recommended apps below:

3. Develop Proactive Strategies

Behavior support plans and proactive strategies are essential. Think of these as your early-warning system, measures put in place to deflate those challenging behaviors before they even have a chance to take root. We’re discussing tools like visual schedules, engaging social stories, and establishing clear expectations and routines.

And guess what? Goally’s visual scheduler is your secret weapon here. It’s a breeze and a fantastic way to implement these preventative strategies. By integrating Goally into your child’s routine, you’ll find that keeping challenging behaviors at bay becomes much more accessible. It’s all about being proactive, not reactive, in managing your child’s behavior.

  • Consider your child’s unique needs and preferences
  • Collaborate with teachers, therapists, and other professionals
  • Regularly review and adjust strategies as needed
Read More: Behavior Charts

4. Implement Reactive Strategies

While proactive strategies aim to prevent challenging behaviors, reactive strategies provide guidance on how to respond when these behaviors do occur. Reactive strategies should be consistent, supportive, and focused on teaching alternative behaviors. Examples include time-outs, redirection, or offering choices.

behavior support plan example. 2 kids and their father sit on the bed. The dad is hugging his son while his daughter stands on the bed above them.
Read more: 7 Tips to Positive Discipline for Your Child
  • Ensure all caregivers are on the same page with reactive strategies
  • Avoid reinforcing negative behaviors
  • Focus on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors

5. Monitor Progress and Adjust As Needed

Regularly tracking your child’s progress is crucial for the success of any behavior support plan. Monitor the effectiveness of the strategies you’ve implemented and make adjustments as needed. This will help you fine-tune the plan and ensure it continues to meet your kid’s needs. Goally can be a valuable tool in monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments.

  • Keep a log of your child’s behaviors and progress
  • Communicate with teachers, therapists, and other professionals
  • Be prepared to revise the plan as your child grows and develops
1. Identify Target BehaviorsPinpoint specific behaviors to address in the support plan
2. Set Clear GoalsEstablish specific, measurable, and time-bound goals
3. Develop Proactive StrategiesCreate preventative measures to reduce challenging behaviors
4. Implement Reactive StrategiesProvide guidance on how to respond when challenging behaviors occur
5. Monitor ProgressTrack the effectiveness of strategies and adjust as needed

Goally | Apps To Support Child Development

Looking for fun ways to help your child learn life skills? Try Goally! The Goally tablet comes with award-winning learning apps and video classes to help kids develop the skills they need to become independent with FUN & evidence-based practices.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Our apps teach executive function, language, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more.

As your child develops new skills, you can increase the difficulty level of the tasks in the app to challenge and motivate them even further. This helps your child grow and progress at their own pace, while also keeping them engaged and excited about their development.

Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

In the end, a well-crafted behavior support plan can make a significant difference in the lives of neurodivergent kids and their families. By identifying target behaviors, setting clear goals, and implementing proactive and reactive strategies, you can create a supportive environment that provides growth and success for your child. Remember, every child is unique, and the key to a successful behavior support plan is to tailor it to your child’s individual needs and strengths. Goally can be an invaluable resource in helping you create and maintain an effective behavior support plan for your child.

FAQs About a Behavior Support Plan Example

What is a behavior support plan example?
A behavior support plan example is a detailed strategy to help manage and improve your child's challenging behaviors, using precise identification of behaviors and proactive strategies.
Why are proactive strategies essential in a behavior support plan example?
Proactive strategies in a behavior support plan are preventative measures designed to reduce the chance of challenging behaviors occurring in the first place.
What tools can help in implementing a behavior support plan?
Tools like visual schedules, emotional regulation apps, and rewards can be effectively used in implementing a behavior support plan. Goally's visual scheduler is a popular choice.
How can Goally's visual scheduler assist parents in creating a behavior support plan?
Goally's visual scheduler simplifies monitoring a child's behaviors and implementing preventative strategies, thereby aiding in creating a successful behavior support plan.
Can a behavior support plan example help my child transition?
A well-crafted behavior support plan can help children with transition difficulties by providing clear expectations and routines, often made more accessible with tools like Goally.

This post was originally published on 05/04/2023. It was updated on 10/05/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.

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