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ADHD Quiz for Teens

adhd quiz for teens.

Research suggests that at least 75% of adults with ADHD don’t know they have it. If your teen goes through life with undiagnosed ADHD, it can result in low self-esteem, substance abuse, less joy, and underachieving.  Early detection and treatment can significantly improve your teens’ quality of life. Take this ADHD quiz/test for teens below to see if your kid has some of the common symptoms of ADHD. 

Symptoms of ADHD in Teens 

  • Short attention span
  • Unable to listen or follow instructions
  • Frequently changing tasks
  • Difficulty organizing tasks
  • Unable to sit still
  • Acting without thinking 
  • Excessive talking 
  • Constant fidgeting 

When it comes to ADHD, individuals typically fall into one of three categories: inattentive, hyperactive, or combined. If your teenager exhibits signs of inattentive ADHD, they may struggle with staying focused, following instructions, and maintaining organization. It’s interesting to note that inattentive ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in girls than in boys, whereas boys are more likely to have hyperactive ADHD. For those with hyperactive ADHD, restlessness, fidgeting, excessive talking, and difficulty sitting still for extended periods of time are common. By understanding the various types of ADHD, we can better recognize the symptoms and provide appropriate support to teenagers who may be facing these challenges. Discover more with our ADHD quiz for teens and find effective strategies to help them thrive. Be sure to take the ADHD quiz for teenage kids.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

Hyperactive ADHD symptoms are more visible, resulting in males with ADHD being more likely to receive a diagnosis than females. Someone with a combined type of ADHD exhibits signs of both inattentive and hyperactive ADHD. If ADHD symptoms have only been around for less than six months, they could be experiencing another issue like depression or anxiety. 

Read more: Learning Videos for Kids

The following online ADHD quiz for teenage kids is not a diagnosis tool. A proper ADHD diagnosis requires an evaluation by a qualified mental healthcare professional.  Below are a few questions relating to the everyday experiences of individuals with ADHD. This ADHD quiz for teens analyzes a person’s impulsivity, attention, and inattentiveness. Please read each question carefully and choose the best answer. 

ADHD Test for Teenagers

Quiz: Do I have ADHD?

Please Note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as needed, with a qualified healthcare provider and/or BCBA.

1 / 10

Is it hard for you to stay focused on conversations?

2 / 10

Did you get in trouble for excessive talking as a child?

3 / 10

Do you find yourself fidgeting most of the time?

4 / 10

Do have a hard time waiting in lines, to the point where you avoid lines altogether?

5 / 10

Do you have trouble concentrating in a noisy environment?

6 / 10

Do you lose things often?

7 / 10

Do you need help remembering significant events like birthdays or doctor’s appointments?

8 / 10

Do you wait until the very last minute to complete a task?

9 / 10

Do you finish other people’s sentences for them?

10 / 10

Is it difficult for you to sit still for long periods of time?


Goally | Apps Made for Kids With ADHD

If you have ADHD, there’s a good chance your kiddo has ADHD as well. Kids with ADHD thrive with structure. Use Goallys visual schedule app to structure your kids’ day and avoid meltdowns! The routines let you plan out step-by-step instructions for completing tasks so kids learn to get through their day independently.

Try Goally For Your Child With ADHD

Goally helps kids with ADHD stay focused and build skills. Unlike a Kindle or an iPad that kids get easily distracted on, Goally has no YouTube, no social media, no web browser, and especially no ads.

Goally uses game play as a points-based motivator for your kiddo with ADHD and helps them learn emotional regulation skills. It’s simple to set up and has an expert-informed design.

A young child demonstrates brushing teeth on the best tablet for kids by Goally, highlighting a kid-friendly interface.

Understanding sensory overload and ADHD is crucial for parents and caregivers in supporting children who experience these challenges. By recognizing the signs of sensory overload and providing effective strategies to help children with ADHD navigate overwhelming sensory experiences, we can empower them to thrive. Whether it’s identifying physical distress, learning to manage stress and fear, or addressing hyperactivity and excitability, our knowledge and support play a vital role in helping children with ADHD cope with sensory overload. By staying informed, seeking appropriate resources, and implementing tailored approaches, we can make a positive impact on their well-being and daily lives. Remember, being there for our children and equipping ourselves with the right tools is key in assisting them on their journey towards success and self-fulfillment.

FAQ’s About ADHD Quiz for Teens

What is an ADHD quiz for teens?
An ADHD quiz for teens is a tool designed to help identify symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adolescents. It is not a diagnostic tool but can indicate if a teen should seek a professional evaluation.

Why should a teen take an ADHD quiz?
Taking an ADHD quiz can help a teen understand if their behaviors and challenges might be related to ADHD, which can be the first step towards getting the necessary support and treatment.

Can parents use the results of an ADHD quiz for teens?
Yes, parents can use the results of an ADHD quiz to better understand their teen's behaviors and to discuss them with a healthcare professional for further assessment and guidance.

What types of questions are included in an ADHD quiz for teens?
An ADHD quiz for teens typically includes questions about focus, attention, behavior, and social interactions to gauge the frequency and intensity of symptoms related to ADHD.

How accurate are online ADHD quizzes for teens?
Online ADHD quizzes should not be used as a definitive diagnosis of ADHD. They can provide insight into possible symptoms but cannot replace a thorough evaluation by a qualified mental health professional.

This post was originally published on 11/21/2022. It was updated on 05/07/2024. 

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