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Wyoming Medicaid Waiver Guide

Think of Wyoming Medicaid as a compass, guiding you through the wilderness of healthcare for your neurodivergent kid. Yes, it’s complex, but with the right information, you can navigate it effectively to secure your child’s support. So, let’s break it down together.

Decoding Wyoming Medicaid

Wyoming Medicaid is a healthcare program to assist low-income families and individuals, including those with disabilities. It’s a joint venture between the state and federal government. For parents of neurodivergent kids, this program can be a beacon of hope, providing much-needed medical and therapeutic support.

But, who qualifies? Well, Wyoming Medicaid has specific eligibility criteria. Your child’s diagnosis, family income, and resources are all considered. Kids with thinking and learning differences, such as ADHD or autism, may qualify under the disability category. However, it’s important to remember that each case is evaluated individually, and eligibility is not guaranteed.

Unraveling Wyoming Medicaid Waivers

Now, let’s tackle Wyoming Medicaid waivers. These are special programs that allow for more flexibility in the use of Medicaid funds. They can cover services not typically included in the standard Medicaid program, such as home and community-based services. This can be a game-changer for families with neurodivergent kids.

Wyoming offers several waivers, each catering to different needs. For example, the Comprehensive Waiver provides a broad range of services for individuals with developmental disabilities or acquired brain injuries. The Supports Waiver, on the other hand, focuses on supporting individuals in their homes and communities. It’s crucial to research each waiver thoroughly to determine which best suits your child’s needs.

Applying for a Wyoming Medicaid Waiver

The application process for a Wyoming Medicaid waiver may seem like climbing a mountain, but don’t be discouraged. The first step is to contact the Wyoming Department of Health’s Division of Healthcare Financing. They’re the sherpa who can guide you through the application process and answer any questions.

wyoming medicaid. a parent is applying for the medicaid waiver.
Read more: Does My Child Qualify for Medicaid ?

Next, be prepared to provide extensive documentation. This can include medical records, proof of income, and evidence of your child’s disability. The more thorough you are, the smoother the process will be. It’s like packing for a hike – the better prepared you are, the easier the journey.

Goally Waiver ScorecardScore
Website clarity and ease of navigation5/5
Access and requirements of qualification1/5
Healthcare coverage3/5

Other online resources for Wyoming:

  • Wyoming Institute for Disability (WIND) — Our fantastic research partners that have information on all things related to autism, ADHD, developmental and intellectual disabilities, and healthcare.
  • Wyoming Protection and Advocacy System — A nonprofit corporation authorized by Congress to implement several federal laws to protect the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities, including veterans with disabilities.

Telephone Resources

  • Participant Support Specialists by county
  • Wyoming Department of Health, Behavioral Health Division: (307) 777-6494

Maximizing the Benefits

Once you’ve secured a waiver, it’s time to make the most of it. This means understanding the services covered and how to access them. For example, some waivers may cover occupational therapy, speech therapy, or even assistive technology like a Goally learning tablet, which can be a great tool for kids with thinking and learning differences.

Remember, you are your child’s best advocate. Stay informed, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to push for the services your child needs. It can be a challenging journey, but the rewards are worth it. With the proper support, your child can thrive, and Wyoming Medicaid can be a significant part of that support system.

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Wrapping Up

Wyoming Medicaid can be a powerful tool in supporting your neurodivergent child. While the process may seem complex, remember that you’re not alone. Contact local support groups, healthcare providers, and state agencies for guidance. And remember, every step you take is a step towards providing your child with the support they need to thrive. So, whether you’re just starting this journey or well on your way, keep going. You’re doing great, and your child is lucky to have you. With the correct information and support, including resources like Wyoming Medicaid and tools like Goally, you can navigate this journey successfully.

Who Can Apply?

Circumstances/Diagnosis: Any child or adult (all ages) who is diagnosed with either an intellectual and/or developmental disability (this includes autism). The state requires that individuals need an intermediate care facility level of care to qualify. This just means that the individual is unable to get through their day without a lot of supervision.
Income: Income eligibility is only based on the child’s income and not the parents income. This means that your child is financially eligible for the waiver if they don’t have an income.

What do I get?

The waiver provides behavioral support services (like ABA therapy), specialized equipment, adult day services, case management, community living services, community support services, homemaker, personal care, respite, supported employment, dietician services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, skilled nursing, speech, hearing and language services, child habilitation services, cognitive retraining, companion services, crisis intervention support, environmental modification, individual habilitation training, special family habilitation home, transportation

How do I apply?

Step 1: Contact your local Participant Support Specialists and ask about the eligibility process.
Step 2: Complete the Medicaid Supports Waiver Application
Step 3: Select a Case Manager and complete the Case Manager Selection Form
If you ever get confused, you can review Wyoming’s Application Guide for Support’s Waiver. There is a lot of information in here including a complete checklist of every little detail you need to account for on page 36.

What does the Goally Team Think?

Wyoming has a fairly small waiver program with 2000 spots and a waiting list of 200 people. This makes for an average wait time of 1 year before getting access to services. This isn’t type of access isn’t ideal but is nowhere near as bad as places like Florida and Texas (7 and 15 year waits). Wyoming’s website however is surprisingly amazing and has a fantastic guide to walk parents through the application process.

This post was originally published on 02/16/2021. It was updated on 09/15/2023.