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What Is Video Modeling?

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Video modeling is a teaching method that uses video recordings to teach skills or behaviors. It’s an evidence-based strategy that can help people with autism learn new skills and behaviors.

Frequently Asked Question


How does video modeling work?

Video modeling works by providing a visual representation of a task or behavior, allowing the learner to see the steps involved and practice them with guidance.

Who can use video modeling?

Anyone can use video modeling, as it is a versatile tool that can be customized to meet the needs of different individuals and organizations, including children, people with disabilities, and employees in various industries.

What are the benefits of video modeling?

The benefits of video modeling include improved learning and retention, increased motivation, and greater confidence in performing new tasks or behaviors. Additionally, it can be a fun and engaging way to learn, making it an attractive option for many learners.

Scientific Definition


Video modeling is a way to teach people new skills or information by showing them a video of someone doing the desired behavior or task. The video is usually short and straightforward, showing the steps needed to complete the task. This can be helpful for people who learn better by seeing things done rather than just hearing about them. Video modeling can teach things like how to tie shoes and make a sandwich, or even social skills like making friends. By watching the video, people can see exactly what they need to do and can pause the video if they need to take a break or if they need to review a step. This type of learning can be fun and engaging, helping people learn quickly and easily.

Video Explanation


Real world example of Video Modeling

As a pediatric therapist or teacher, you could use video modeling to help a child like Billy learn a new skill or behavior. Here’s an example:

  1. Identify the target behavior: Let’s say Billy has trouble making friends at school, and you want to help him improve his social skills.
  2. Create the video: You could create a short video that shows Billy’s peer, John, making a new friend. The video could include steps such as introducing oneself, asking questions and finding common interests.
  3. Show the video to Billy: Show Billy the video and encourage him to watch it several times. Point out the steps John took to make a new friend and discuss why those steps were effective.
  4. Practice the behavior: Have Billy practice the steps he saw in the video with you or a peer. Encourage him to ask questions, make conversation, and find common interests.
  5. Reinforce the behavior: Praise Billy for his efforts and remind him of the steps he learned from the video.

By using video modeling in this way, you can help Billy learn the desired behavior in a fun and engaging way. By watching John’s example, he can see exactly what he needs to do to make a new friend. And by practicing the behavior, he can gain confidence and experience success.

How Video Modeling is Used

Video modeling is used in various settings to help people learn and improve new skills. Here are some common examples:

  1. Education: Teachers can use video modeling to teach students academic subjects like math or science.
  2. Speech therapy: Speech therapists can use video modeling to help children with speech impediments learn new words and pronunciation.
  3. Occupational therapy: Occupational therapists can use video modeling to help people with disabilities learn new skills and improve their fine motor abilities.
  4. Mental health: Mental health professionals can use video modeling to teach coping skills for managing anxiety or depression.
  5. Social skills: Parents and teachers can use video modeling to teach children social skills, such as making friends or being polite.
  6. Vocational training: Companies can use video modeling to train employees on new job tasks or procedures.
  7. Physical therapy: Physical therapists can use video modeling to teach patients how to perform exercises to recover from an injury.

These are just examples of how video modeling can be used in real-world settings. It is a powerful tool that can be customized to meet the needs of different individuals and organizations.

This post was originally published on Feb. 3, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.