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What is Verbalization ?

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Verbalization is when you take what you’re thinking or feeling and say it out loud. It’s like turning your thoughts into words so others can understand what’s on your mind. Think of it as sharing your inside voice with the outside world.

Frequently Asked Question


What is verbalization in the context of child development?

Verbalization is the process where kids express their thoughts, emotions, or actions using spoken words. It aids in communication and comprehension.

Why is verbalization essential for kids with special needs?

Verbalization helps these kids communicate their feelings, needs, and observations. It’s a vital tool for self-expression and understanding.

Can visual schedules assist in improving verbalization?

Yes, visual schedules can act as prompts, encouraging kids to articulate their tasks and routines verbally.

How do emotional regulation apps relate to verbalization?

These apps guide kids in naming and expressing their emotions, enhancing their verbal communication skills around feelings.

Scientific Definition


Verbalization refers to the act of converting thoughts, emotions, or actions into spoken words. In the field of linguistics and cognitive science, it’s observed as the process where internal cognitive structures are externalized through speech, enabling interpersonal communication and comprehension.

A Real World Example of Verbalization

Meet Susie, a vibrant 6-year-old with an imaginative mind. Words weren’t always her best pals, but let’s peek into her world:

  • Morning Magic: While watching clouds from her window, Susie points and declares, “Looks like a dragon!” Her imagination verbalized.
  • Snack Time: Once hesitant, she now says, “Can I have some crackers?” A clear expression of her needs.
  • Playground Adventures: Spotting a swing free, she excitedly shouts, “It’s my turn!” Asserting her space.
  • Bedtime Whispers: Snuggling with her teddy, she murmurs, “Goodnight, Mr. Bear.” Sharing affection verbally.

Through life’s simple moments, Susie finds her voice. It’s not about grand speeches but those small, precious phrases that paint her world in vibrant shades of sound. What a delightful symphony it is!

How Does Verbalization Work?

Verbalization is a bit like translating. Imagine your child’s thoughts as a silent movie. Now, with verbalization, they’re adding their own voiceover to that movie.

  • Feelings: Your child says, “I’m sad,” when they drop their ice cream.
  • Needs: They request, “I want juice,” when thirsty.
  • Observations: Commenting, “Look, a big dog!” when spotting a canine.
  • Questions: Curiously asking, “Why is the sky blue?”

In essence, kids are continuously trying to paint their world with words. It’s a dance between thought and speech, and each step is a leap in understanding their environment better. Every chat, every phrase is a win in their verbal journey.


Wondering how Goally might fit into this picture? Our tablet offers fun apps that not only entertain but also promote verbalization. Through engaging activities and visual cues, Goally gently nudges kids to voice out their feelings, tasks, and curiosities. It’s a techy way to give your child’s inner thoughts a microphone!