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What is the Son-Rise Program for Autism?

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The Son-Rise Pogram is a way of helping children with autism by spending lots of time playing and interacting with them. This helps build trust and communication, improves social skills and abilities, and encourages parents and caregivers to be positive and believe their child can learn and grow.

Frequently Asked Question


What makes the Son-Rise program different from other therapies for autism?

The Son-Rise program is unique because it focuses on building a strong relationship between the child and caregiver through play, positive reinforcement, and trust-building exercises. It is tailored to the individual child’s needs and interests and seeks to create a nurturing environment that encourages the child to learn and grow.

Can the Son-Rise program work for children with severe autism?

Yes, the Son-Rise program has been shown to be effective for children across the autism spectrum, including those with severe symptoms. It is designed to be personalized to each child’s needs and can be adapted to fit their level of ability and challenges.

How long does the Son-Rise program typically take to see results?

The length of time it takes to see results with the Son-Rise program varies depending on the child’s needs and abilities. Some children may show improvements within a few weeks, while others may take several months or longer.

Scientific Definition


The Son-Rise Program is a way of helping children with autism learn and grow. It is based on the idea that each child is unique and has a way of learning and connecting with the world around them. The program involves spending lots of time playing and interacting with the child in a way that is fun and enjoyable for them. This helps build trust and communication between the child and the adult. The program also encourages parents and caregivers to be optimistic and believe their children can learn and grow. Through this approach, children with autism can improve their social skills, communication, and learning ability. The Son-Rise program is designed to be personalized to each child’s needs and interests and can be adapted to fit the child’s individual strengths and challenges. It is a way of helping children with autism become more confident, independent, and successful in their everyday lives.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of the Son-Rise Program

Meet Susie, a bright and imaginative girl who loves animals and playing pretend. Let’s see how the Son-Rise Program makes a positive impact on Susie’s journey.

  • Susie’s unique world: The Son-Rise Program starts by embracing Susie’s interests, like animals and imaginative play. Her parents join her in her pretend adventures, immersing themselves in her world.
  • Building trust and connection: Through play and interaction, Susie’s parents create a strong bond with her. They actively listen to her ideas, fostering trust and a sense of belonging.
  • Tailored learning: Susie’s parents use her love for animals to teach her essential skills. They play games where she practices counting using toy animals or communicates her needs using AAC apps on Goally.
  • Growing social skills: Susie’s parents engage her in playdates and social activities, gradually expanding her social circle. They provide guidance and support as she learns to interact with others.
  • Celebrating progress: As Susie blossoms, her parents celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Their unwavering belief in her potential fuels her growth and self-confidence.

Through the Son-Rise Program, Susie’s world opens up, and she develops invaluable skills while being authentically herself.

How Does the Son-Rise Program Work?

The Son-Rise Program is a dynamic approach that focuses on creating an engaging environment for children with autism. Here are some examples of how the Son-Rise Program works:

  • Play-based learning: The program utilizes play as a powerful tool for teaching and connecting with children.
  • Joining in the child’s world: Practitioners immerse themselves in the child’s interests and activities, fostering a deep bond.
  • Nonjudgmental acceptance: The Son-Rise Program promotes unconditional love and acceptance of the child, building trust and self-esteem.
  • Utilizing the child’s motivations: By incorporating the child’s preferred activities, the program harnesses their motivation to promote learning.
  • Interactive sessions: The program involves structured, one-on-one sessions where caregivers engage with the child, focusing on their strengths and interests.

In conclusion, the Son-Rise Program employs play, acceptance, and personalized interaction to help children with autism develop essential skills and thrive in their unique way. Goally, our interactive tablet, enhances the Son-Rise Program by offering fun apps for kids to develop life and language skills. With digital visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skill-building tools, Goally empowers children with autism to thrive and reach their potential.


This post was originally published on Feb. 16, 2023. It was updated on July 20, 2023.