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What is Systematic Desensitization?

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Systematic desensitization is like a step-by-step plan to help kids with special needs become less scared or anxious about something that bothers them. It’s all about taking small, manageable steps to make them feel more comfortable so they can do things they find challenging.

Frequently Asked Question


Who can benefit from systematic desensitization?

Systematic desensitization can benefit anyone experiencing anxiety or phobias, but it’s particularly valuable for children with special needs who may find it challenging to cope with specific triggers.

How long does systematic desensitization therapy typically take?

The duration varies, but it usually involves several sessions over weeks or months, depending on the individual’s progress and the severity of their fears.

Is systematic desensitization a safe therapy for children with special needs?

Yes, it’s considered a safe and effective approach when conducted by qualified therapists who tailor the process to the child’s unique needs and pace.

Can systematic desensitization work in combination with other therapies or interventions?

Yes, it often complements other therapies, and integrating it with tools like Goally’s apps can enhance the overall effectiveness in helping children build essential life skills and confidence.

Scientific Definition


Systematic desensitization is a therapeutic method to reduce anxiety or fear responses in individuals, especially kids with special needs. It involves gradually exposing the child to what causes them distress, starting with less distressing situations and working up to the challenging ones. The process aims to replace fear with a sense of calm and confidence, making it easier for them to cope with their unique challenges.

Real World Example of Systematic Desensitization

Susie is a bright, creative child with a sensory processing disorder. She needs help with crowded places, like her school’s noisy cafeteria. Here’s how systematic desensitization helps her:

  • Fear Hierarchy: Susie’s therapist creates a list, starting with a quiet room and progressing to the bustling cafeteria.
  • Starting Small: Initially, Susie visits the empty library to build confidence.
  • Breathing Techniques: She practices deep breathing to stay calm.
  • Exposure: Gradually, she joins smaller groups during lunchtime.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Each small success earns her a reward.
  • Generalization: Over time, Susie becomes more comfortable in different settings.
  • Supportive Goally Apps: Susie’s Goally tablet with emotional regulation tools and skill-building games further empowers her.

As a result, Susie conquers her fear and gains valuable skills to thrive in various social situations.

How Does Systematic Desensitization Work?

Systematic desensitization is a step-by-step approach that helps kids with special needs overcome fears and anxieties. Here’s how it works:

  • Hierarchy Building: Therapists create a fear hierarchy, listing situations related to the fear from least to most distressing.
  • Starting Small: Kids begin with the least distressing situation, gradually building confidence.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Breathing exercises or calming techniques are used to ease anxiety during exposure.
  • Exposure and Repetition: Slowly, kids face fear-triggering situations, repeating them until anxiety decreases.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encouragement and rewards reinforce progress.
  • Generalization: Skills learned in one situation can be applied to similar ones.
  • Supportive Environment: A safe and supportive environment is crucial.

Systematic desensitization helps kids with special needs face their fears gradually, building confidence and reducing anxiety, ultimately improving their quality of life. Goally, a tablet with apps for life and language skills, emotional regulation, and more, complements systematic desensitization, aiding kids with special needs in their growth and development.