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What is Sensory-Motor?

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Sensory-motor means how our bodies and senses work together. It’s about how we use our senses, like touch, sight, and hearing, along with our muscles and movements. Kids use their senses to explore the world and move around.

Frequently Asked Question


How can I help my child develop their sensory-motor skills?

Engage them in activities that involve touching, moving, and exploring their surroundings. Activities like arts and crafts, playing with sensory toys, and outdoor play can all contribute.

How does sensory-motor impact learning and behavior?

Sensory-motor influences how kids process information and react to their surroundings. It can affect attention, focus, and emotional regulation, shaping both learning and behavior.

Can sensory-motor difficulties improve over time?

Yes, with proper support and interventions, many kids can develop stronger sensory-motor skills over time. Early interventions, therapies, and engaging activities can make a significant difference.

Are sensory-motor challenges always linked to other conditions?

Not necessarily. While sensory-motor challenges can be common in conditions like autism or ADHD, they can also exist on their own. It’s essential to consult with professionals for accurate assessments and guidance.

Scientific Definition


Sensory-motor refers to the close connection between our senses and our movements. It’s how our brain takes in information from our senses (like how things look, feel, and sound) and uses that information to control our body’s movements. This connection is super important for kids with special needs because it can affect how they learn, play, and do daily activities. When the sensory-motor system works well, it helps kids interact with their environment smoothly.

Real World Example of Sensory-Motor

Meet Susie, a bright-eyed explorer with a world to discover. Watch as sensory-motor guides her journey:

  • Morning Magic: Susie’s feet touch the cool floor as the sun rises, sending signals to her brain that it’s time to wake up.
  • Breakfast Beats: Scooping cereal, she relies on her hands’ touch and coordination to feed herself.
  • Playtime Marvels: Building a tower, her fingers connecting with the blocks, refining her hand-eye coordination.
  • Nature’s Symphony: Outdoors, she feels the breeze and hears the birds, her senses in perfect sync.
  • Artistic Adventure: Painting colorful strokes, her movements mirror her creative thoughts.
  • Bedtime Ballet: As the day ends, her body feels tired, ready to dance with dreams.

Susie’s journey showcases how sensory-motor shapes her interactions. With each step, she’s weaving her sensory experiences and movements into a vibrant tapestry of learning and growing.

How Does Sensory-Motor Work?

Sensory-motor is like a team effort between our senses and our body. It helps kids with special needs experience and react to the world. Here are some examples of how it works:

  • Touch and Movement: When a child feels something soft, their brain quickly tells their hand to reach out and touch it. This helps them explore textures and learn about objects.
  • Balance and Coordination: Imagine a child riding a bike. Their inner sense of balance (vestibular system) works with their muscles to keep them steady and pedal smoothly.
  • Listening and Responding: If kids hear their name, their sensory-motor system helps them turn their heads toward the sound. This quick response is vital for communication.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Playing catch or coloring within the lines involves the brain telling the hand where to move based on what the eyes see.

Sensory-motor is critical for kids with special needs, connecting their senses and movements. Goally, a dynamic tablet tool, supports this development. Through fun apps for life skills, language, emotions, and social interaction, Goally empowers kids to enhance their sensory-motor abilities enjoyably.