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What is Self-Compassion Practice?

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Self-compassion is a form of self-care that involves being kind, mindful, and forgiving.

Frequently Asked Question


How can self-compassion practices benefit children with special needs?

Self-compassion practices can benefit children with special needs by promoting emotional well-being, resilience, and self-empowerment.

What examples of self-compassion practices can parents teach their children?

Examples of self-compassion practices include encouraging positive self-talk, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in self-care activities.

How do self-compassion practices contribute to a child's emotional development?

Self-compassion practices contribute to a child’s emotional development by fostering self-acceptance, self-esteem, and the ability to navigate challenging emotions.

How can parents integrate self-compassion practices into their daily routines?

Parents can integrate self-compassion practices into their daily routine by modeling self-compassion, teaching self-care strategies, and providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment for their children.

Scientific Definition


Self-compassion practices refer to intentional activities and strategies that foster kindness, understanding, and acceptance toward oneself, especially in challenging situations. They involve cultivating a non-judgmental attitude, acknowledging one’s emotions and experiences, and providing oneself with the same care and compassion that one would offer a loved one. These practices promote emotional wellness, resilience, and self-empowerment.

Real World Example of Self-compassion Practices

Imagine a child named Susie, who has autism. One day, Susie was playing a game with her friends, but she made a mistake and felt frustrated. Instead of getting upset with herself, she took a deep breath and remembered her self-compassion practices:

  • Susie reminded herself that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and it’s okay.
  • She encouraged herself with kind words, saying, “It’s alright, Susie. You’re doing your best.”
  • Susie took a moment to step back and practice mindfulness, observing her emotions without judgment.
  • She decided to take a short break and engage in a calming activity she enjoyed, like drawing or listening to music.
  • Susie returned to the game with a renewed sense of self-compassion, focusing on having fun and learning from the experience.

By embracing self-compassion, Susie was able to navigate her emotions and bounce back from challenges. She showed herself kindness and understanding, allowing her to enjoy the game and continue growing. Self-compassion practices empowered Susie to be resilient and compassionate towards herself, fostering a positive mindset and emotional well-being.

Remember, just like Susie, we can all practice self-compassion and be our own supportive allies in times of difficulty.

How do Self-compassion practices work?

Self-compassion practices work by nurturing a positive and caring relationship with oneself. Here are a few examples of how they can be put into action:

  • Being understanding: Practicing patience with ourselves when we make mistakes or face challenges is important.
  • Offering encouragement: Giving ourselves words and support during difficult moments.
  • Practicing self-care activities: Ones that promote relaxation and well-being, such as taking a bath, going for a walk, or engaging in a hobby we enjoy.
  • Cultivating mindfulness: Being present at the moment, accepting our thoughts and emotions without judgment.
  • Engaging in positive self-talk: Replacing self-criticism with kind and compassionate words.

Remember, self-compassion practices are about treating ourselves with the same kindness and care we would give to others. If we incorporate these practices into our lives, we can cultivate a healthier and more compassionate relationship with ourselves. 


 This post was originally published on Jul. 13, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.