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What is a Functional Assessment?

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A Functional Assessment helps figure out why a child might be doing something so we can help them in the best way possible. It’s all about understanding the “why” behind the behavior.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is Functional Assessment crucial for children with special needs?

Functional Assessment provides insights into the root causes of behaviors, allowing for tailored interventions that address specific challenges effectively.

How does a Functional Assessment benefit parents and educators?

It empowers them with a deeper understanding of a child’s behavior, guiding more effective strategies and interventions for positive change.

How often should a Functional Assessment be conducted?

It’s advisable to conduct a Functional Assessment whenever there’s a notable change in a child’s behavior or environment to ensure interventions remain effective.

Scientific Definition


A Functional Assessment is a systematic and data-driven approach used to identify the underlying causes or purposes of a child’s specific behavior. This method, especially significant in the field of special education, helps educators and therapists tailor interventions to improve or change unwanted behaviors by addressing their root causes.

Real World Example of Functional Assessment

Meet Charlie, an energetic 8-year-old. Lately, his teachers noticed he often disrupts class right before math lessons. Rather than brushing it off, they opted for a Functional Assessment to understand better. Let’s delve into Charlie’s story:

  • Observation: Charlie seems calm during reading and science. The change is noticeable just before math.
  • Feedback: Teachers learned from Charlie’s parents that he struggles with math at home, too.
  • Triggers: It turned out that Charlie was anxious about the timed math tests.
  • Outcome: By acting out, he could delay or sometimes even skip the test.

Thanks to the assessment, the school introduced stress-reducing techniques and extra math support for Charlie. Now, he approaches math with more confidence and fewer disruptions. Who knew a little detective work could lead to such a breakthrough?


How does Functional Assessment work?

Functional Assessment dives deep into understanding behaviors. It’s like piecing together a puzzle where each piece helps paint a clearer picture of why a kid behaves a certain way. Let’s explore this:

  • Observing Behavior: Watching the child in different settings like home, school, or play.
  • Asking Questions: Chatting with parents, teachers, or caregivers to get their insights.
  • Checking Triggers: Identifying what happens right before the behavior starts.
  • Finding Outcomes: Seeing what the child gains from the behavior, like attention or an item.

We can create strategies that make a real difference for kids by putting these clues together. Remember, it’s all about connecting the dots to get the full picture. And hey, isn’t understanding always better than guessing?


After understanding a behavior through Functional Assessment, Goally can step in to help. Let’s say a child struggles with morning routines. Goally’s visual scheduler can lay out each morning step: from brushing teeth to grabbing a backpack. Or, if a child often feels overwhelmed, Goally’s emotional regulation app can teach them coping skills. It’s like having a pocket coach tailored to your child’s needs.


This post was originally published on September 18, 2023.