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What are Visual-Spatial Skills?

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Visual-spatial skills refer to a person’s ability to understand and interpret information taken in by the eyes and mentally manipulate and perceive spatial relationships. These skills involve visualizing objects in space, recognizing patterns, and navigating environments.

Frequently Asked Question


What are visual-spatial skills, and why are they important?

Visual-spatial skills refer to understanding and interpreting visual information and spatial relationships. They are crucial for reading maps, solving puzzles, and accurately perceiving depth. These skills play a significant role in academic success, artistic expression, and everyday activities that involve visual perception and spatial awareness.

How can I help my child improve their visual-spatial skills?

You can support your child’s visual-spatial skills by providing opportunities for activities like puzzles, building blocks, and art projects. Please encourage them to engage in visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. Additionally, incorporating visual-spatial apps and games like those available on Goally can benefit skill development.

Are visual-spatial skills only relevant for neurodivergent children?

Visual-spatial skills are important for individuals of all neurotypes. While some neurodiverse children may have exceptional visual-spatial abilities, these skills are valuable for everyone! They’re especially important in STEM fields, art, architecture, and everyday problem-solving.

Can visual-spatial skills be improved over time?

Yes! Visual-spatial skills can be enhanced through practice and exposure to activities that promote their development. Regular engagement in tasks that require visual perception, mental manipulation, and spatial reasoning can help individuals improve their visual-spatial abilities.

Scientific Definition


Visual-spatial skills encompass cognitive abilities that involve visual perception and spatial awareness. They involve the capacity to mentally manipulate and interpret visual information, comprehend spatial relationships, and effectively navigate and interact with the surrounding environment. These skills are crucial for reading maps, solving puzzles, understanding geometric shapes, and accurately perceiving depth and distance. Strong visual-spatial skills enable individuals to visualize and mentally manipulate objects in their mind’s eye, recognize patterns, and engage in activities that require spatial reasoning.

A Real World Example of Visual-Spatial Skills

Visual-spatial skills play a significant role in the lives of neurodiverse children, assisting them in various ways. Let’s consider the example of Maya, a child on the autism spectrum:

Maya possesses exceptional visual-spatial skills, which allow her to excel in activities that involve visual perception and spatial awareness. Here’s how her visual-spatial skills benefit her in everyday life:

  1. Puzzle Solving: Maya can solve complex puzzles, quickly recognizing patterns and spatial relationships. Her visual-spatial skills enable her to visualize the puzzle pieces, mentally rotate them, and fit them together effectively.
  2. Artistic Expression: Maya’s visual-spatial skills shine through her artistic talents. She has an exceptional eye for detail, precise hand-eye coordination, and the ability to create intricate drawings or paintings. Her keen sense of visual perception enables her to capture even the smallest nuances.
  3. Navigation and Orientation: Maya has a remarkable sense of direction and can navigate through new environments effortlessly. Her visual-spatial skills allow her to mentally map out spaces, remember landmarks, and easily find her way around.
  4. Building and Construction: Maya’s love for building blocks and construction sets is evident. She excels in building complex structures, envisioning how the pieces fit together, and creating designs that showcase her strong visual-spatial skills.
  5. Geometry and Mathematics: Maya’s visual-spatial skills extend to her understanding of geometry and mathematical concepts. She quickly grasps spatial relationships, angles, and shapes, connecting visual representations and mathematical principles.

By recognizing and nurturing Maya’s visual-spatial strengths, her parents and educators can support her learning and development. Providing her with opportunities to engage in activities that harness her visual-spatial skills can boost her confidence, foster creativity, and facilitate her unique way of perceiving and understanding the world.

How do Visual-Spatial Skills Work?

Visual-spatial skills involve the coordination and integration of visual perception and spatial awareness. Here are some key points on how these skills work:

  • Perception and Interpretation: Visual-spatial skills enable individuals to perceive visual information accurately and interpret it effectively. This might look like recognizing shapes, colors, and patterns.
  • Mental Manipulation: Visual-spatial skills involve mentally manipulating objects, images, or spatial arrangements. This skill allows individuals to rotate objects mentally, visualize scenes or objects from different angles, and mentally transform or manipulate spatial arrangements.
  • Spatial Reasoning: Visual-spatial skills contribute to spatial reasoning, which involves understanding and solving problems related to spatial relationships. This includes tasks such as mentally navigating through a space, understanding maps or diagrams, and visualizing the arrangement or organization of objects in a given space.
  • Visualization: Visualization is a significant aspect of visual-spatial skills. It involves creating mental images or visual representations of objects, scenes, or concepts. This skill aids in recalling visual information, solving problems, and comprehending complex spatial relationships.

By developing and honing visual-spatial skills, individuals can enhance their ability to perceive, interpret, manipulate, and reason with visual information and spatial relationships. These skills are valuable for various domains, including STEM fields, art and design, architecture, and everyday tasks that require visual understanding and spatial awareness.


Goally offers a range of interactive apps and features designed to support children in developing and enhancing their visual-spatial skills. Through engaging activities, digital visual schedules, and gamified learning experiences, Goally provides a platform for children to practice and refine their visual perception, spatial awareness, and mental manipulation abilities. Kids can strengthen their puzzle-solving, pattern recognition, and spatial reasoning skills with apps tailored to stimulate visual-spatial thinking!