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What are Nonbenzodiazepines?

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Nonbenzodiazepines are special medicines that might help some kids with unique needs feel better. They work in the brain to bring calmness and ease, especially when anxiety or sleep troubles bother them.

Frequently Asked Question


Do nonbenzodiazepines cause dependency like some other medications?

Nonbenzodiazepines are designed to have a lower risk of dependency and withdrawal compared to other medications, offering a more balanced approach to addressing neurodiverse needs.

How quickly can I expect to see positive effects after starting nonbenzodiazepine treatment?

The timeline can vary, but many children might start experiencing positive changes within a few weeks of starting nonbenzodiazepine treatment, with gradual improvements over time.

Can nonbenzodiazepines help my child with sensory sensitivities?

Nonbenzodiazepines might indirectly help by reducing anxiety, which could contribute to managing sensory sensitivities in kids with neurodivergent conditions.

Is there an ideal age for kids to start nonbenzodiazepine treatment?

The appropriateness of starting nonbenzodiazepine treatment depends on individual circumstances. Your healthcare provider will consider factors like your child’s age, needs, and overall health when making recommendations.

Scientific Definition


Nonbenzodiazepines, often referred to as “non-benzos,” are a type of medication used to address various challenges like anxiety and sleep problems in individuals, including kids with special needs like autism or ADHD. Unlike benzodiazepines, these medicines have a similar calming effect on the brain without the same risk of dependency and withdrawal. They interact with certain parts of the brain to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, making them potential options to support children facing neurodivergent conditions. It’s important for medical professionals to carefully consider each child’s specific needs before considering the use of nonbenzodiazepines, as their effectiveness and safety can vary based on individual circumstances.

Side Effects of Nonbenzodiazepines

While nonbenzodiazepines can offer helpful support to kids with special needs, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. Remember, these effects are rare, and most children experience positive outcomes.

  • Mild Drowsiness: Some kids might feel sleepy, which could be a sign that the medication is working to promote relaxation and better sleep.
  • Upbeat Mood Changes: A positive change in mood and overall well-being could be noticed, bringing a brighter outlook.
  • Improved Focus: Some children might experience enhanced concentration, which can be especially helpful in daily activities.
  • Minimal Changes: Often, side effects are minimal or temporary, fading as the body adjusts to the medication.

Remember that side effects are usually temporary and can signal that the medication is starting to create positive changes. If you notice anything unusual, your healthcare provider can provide guidance. Remember, a little sunshine can follow even the rainiest days!

What Does Nonbenzodiazepines Treat?

Nonbenzodiazepines can offer a helping hand to kids with special needs, like those with autism or ADHD. These medications can provide relief from certain challenges that might be causing distress.

  • Anxiety: Nonbenzodiazepines can help reduce feelings of anxiety, making it easier for kids to cope with everyday situations.
  • Sleep Troubles: These medicines can improve sleep quality, helping kids get the rest they need for a better day ahead.
  • Agitation: Nonbenzodiazepines help calm moments of heightened agitation or irritability.
  • Muscle Relaxation: They can promote the relaxation of tense muscles, potentially aiding kids who experience physical tension due to their condition.
  • Seizures: In some cases, nonbenzodiazepines might assist in managing seizures, contributing to a more stable and comfortable daily life.

Nonbenzodiazepines provide support for challenges in kids with conditions like autism or ADHD. Goally’s tablet platform complements this by offering engaging apps for life skills, emotional regulation, and more, fostering holistic development for children navigating neurodiversity.