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What are Adaptive Behavior Scales?

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Adaptive behavior scales evaluate a child’s everyday tasks and social skills, pinpointing areas where they may require assistance.

Frequently Asked Question


Why use the adaptive behavior scale for my child?

Adaptive behavior scale identifies both strengths and areas needing support, helping parents and educators tailor effective learning strategies.

Can the adaptive behavior scales track my child's progress over time?

Yes, ABS is designed to track changes and improvements in a child’s daily life skills and social interactions.

Are there apps that can help with the areas identified by ABS?

Absolutely! Apps like Goally offer tailored activities, from emotional regulation to life skills, aligning with ABS insights.

Can adaptive behavior scales be used to track progress over time?

Yes, adaptive behavior scales offer a standardized way to measure progress in various areas of functioning, enabling professionals to monitor developmental milestones and the effectiveness of interventions across different stages of a child’s life.

Scientific Definition


Adaptive behavior scales are comprehensive assessment tools crafted to measure an individual’s proficiency in daily tasks and essential social skills crucial for independence. Originating in the 1930s by Dr. Edgar A. Doll, they assist professionals in identifying strengths and areas needing support, especially for children with developmental disabilities.


Real World Example of Adaptive Behavior Scales

Meet Charlie, an energetic eight-year-old facing the challenges of a developmental disability. With the help of adaptive behavior scales, his parents navigated his journey towards independence:

Task ABS Strategy
Morning Routine Introduce visual schedules and task breakdowns.
Social Interactions Arrange structured playdates and use social stories.
Self-Care Utilize sensory-friendly tools and incentives.
School Success Implement visual aids and incorporate breaks.
Celebrating Progress Embrace milestones and celebrate growth.

Embracing Charlie’s progress, his family continues using ABS strategies, fostering his independence and celebrating his achievements.

How Do Adaptive Behavior Scales Work?

Understanding how Adaptive Behavior Scales (ABS) work can greatly benefit parents and educators in supporting children with developmental disabilities. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Assessment: ABS evaluates a child’s daily tasks and social skills proficiency.
  • Identification: It pinpoints strengths and areas needing support, aiding tailored interventions.
  • Progress Tracking: ABS enables monitoring of developmental milestones and intervention effectiveness over time.
  • Customized Support: Educators use ABS to tailor support services to each child’s specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Understanding: ABS complements IQ tests, providing a holistic view of a child’s abilities.

Incorporating Adaptive Behavior Scales helps parents and educators understand a child’s needs better, leading to tailored support and celebrating their unique journey.


This post was originally published on Sept. 1, 2023. It was updated on March 26, 2024.