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Token Economy

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A token economy is a reward system for children, where they earn tokens for positive behavior that they can exchange for prizes, such as stickers or points. It reinforces good behavior by providing an incentive through rewards.

Frequently Asked Question


Is token economy effective for children with different types of special needs?

Yes, token economy can be effective for children with a wide range of special needs, including ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities.

How can parents ensure the success of a token economy system?

Parents can ensure success by clearly defining the rules and expectations, selecting meaningful rewards, monitoring progress, and providing feedback and encouragement.

Can token economy be used in combination with other behavior modification techniques?

Yes, token economy can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as positive reinforcement, punishment, or shaping, to promote positive behavior change.

At what age is a token economy most effective?

Token economies can be adapted for various age groups, but they are typically more effective with younger children who may not have fully developed self-control and impulse management skills.

Scientific Definition


A token economy is a technique for behavior modification that involves using tokens or rewards to encourage and reinforce positive behavior. It is commonly used in educational and clinical settings to shape desirable behaviors in children with special needs. Tokens can be points, stars, stickers, or any other tangible item that holds value to the child. The tokens are positive reinforcement for desired behaviors and can be exchanged for a reward or privilege. This system is based on the principles of operant conditioning and can be an effective tool for promoting positive behavior change.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Token Economy

Meet Susie, a bright and energetic child who sometimes struggles to complete her homework. However, her parents have come up with an ingenious way to motivate her using a token economy. Here’s how it works for Susie:

Step Description
Identifying the behavior Susie’s parents want to encourage her to complete her homework assignments on time and with quality effort.
Choosing the tokens They create colorful star-shaped tokens and explain to Susie that each token represents a job well done.
Establishing the exchange rate Susie’s parents decide that she needs to earn five tokens to receive a special reward.
Clearly defining the rules They sit down with Susie and explain that she will receive a token for each completed homework assignment that meets their agreed-upon standards.
Monitoring progress Every day, Susie’s parents review her completed assignments and award her tokens for those that meet the expectations.
Providing feedback Susie’s parents make a big deal out of counting the tokens she has earned and celebrating her accomplishments.

Over time, Susie becomes more motivated to complete her homework. The visual representation of the tokens and the promise of a reward after earning enough of them keep her focused and determined. The token economy not only helps Susie develop a positive homework routine, but it also strengthens her confidence and work ethic.

How Does Token Economy Work?

A token economy is a behavior modification system that encourages positive behavior through the use of tokens or rewards. Here’s how it works:

  • Identify the Behavior: Determine the specific behavior you want to encourage or modify.
  • Choose the Tokens: Tokens can be stickers, stars, or any small, tangible item with value to the individual.
  • Set Exchange Rate: Decide how many tokens are needed to earn a reward or privilege.
  • Define Rules: Clearly explain the criteria for earning tokens related to the desired behavior.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly review and reward the behavior with tokens.
  • Provide Feedback: Celebrate and acknowledge the accumulation of tokens to reinforce the behavior.

In conclusion, a token economy effectively motivates individuals to exhibit desired behaviors by using a tangible reward system, making it a practical approach for behavior modification.


This post was originally published on April 14, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 7, 2024.