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Social-Emotional Learning

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Social-emotional learning teaches children to manage emotions, build relationships, and make wise decisions, benefiting their academic and lifelong success, including those with special needs.

Frequently Asked Question


How can parents support their child's social-emotional learning at home?

Parents can encourage open discussions about emotions, practice active listening, involve children in decision-making, and promote empathy through everyday activities and conversations.

Can social-emotional learning be integrated into a regular school curriculum?

Yes, social-emotional learning can be integrated into any curriculum by incorporating SEL-based activities and strategies that promote self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

How do you measure the success of social-emotional learning?

The success of SEL can be assessed by observing improvements in a child’s emotional well-being, communication, relationships, problem-solving abilities, and overall personal and academic growth.

Can social-emotional learning be adapted for students with special needs?

Yes, SEL can be adapted to meet the unique needs of students with special needs by providing tailored strategies and support to help them develop essential social and emotional skills, fostering inclusivity and growth.

Scientific Definition


Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a process whereby kids and adults learn and effectively use knowledge, attitudes, and skills to comprehend and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and demonstrate empathy for others, create and maintain healthy relationships, and make ethical decisions. It’s a key aspect of a child’s overall development, including kids with special needs. Through SEL, children build self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. This approach to education helps students succeed academically and in their personal lives and future careers.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Social-Emotional Learning

Meet Charlie, an inquisitive eight-year-old who sometimes grappled with handling his emotions and forming friendships at school. Charlie’s parents decided to introduce him to social-emotional learning (SEL) concepts:

  • Self-Awareness: They encouraged Charlie to identify and express his emotions. When he faced frustration after a tough day at school, they asked, “How do you feel right now?” Charlie replied, “I feel frustrated.”
  • Self-Management: Charlie learned techniques like deep breathing and counting to ten to help him cope with strong emotions.
  • Social Awareness: At the park, his parents prompted him to observe other children and guess their feelings, enhancing his empathy.
  • Relationship Skills: Through playdates, Charlie practiced sharing and conflict resolution, improving his ability to make friends.
  • Responsible Decision-Making: Charlie participated in family decisions, which helped him learn from choices he made.

Charlie’s journey with SEL helped him manage emotions, build friendships, and become a more confident child. His parents were thrilled with his progress and newfound skills.

How Does Social-Emotional Learning Work?

Incorporating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into everyday life can have a profound impact on a child’s development. Here’s a brief overview of how SEL is effectively applied:

Practical Application: SEL concepts are integrated into daily activities and discussions.
Educational Setting: Teachers incorporate SEL into the classroom curriculum, promoting emotional intelligence.
Emotional Literacy: Children learn to recognize and manage their emotions, enhancing self-awareness.
Conflict Resolution: SEL equips children with skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and build positive relationships.
Empathy Cultivation: SEL fosters empathy, helping children understand and relate to others better.
Decision-Making Skills: Children are empowered to make responsible choices and think critically.
Inclusive Approach: SEL can be customized to cater to the unique needs of all students, including those with special requirements.
Positive Outcomes: SEL contributes to improved academic performance, reduced behavioral issues, and overall well-being.

By embracing SEL in both educational and daily settings, we empower children to develop essential life skills, setting them on a path to becoming well-rounded and emotionally intelligent individuals.


This post was originally published on April 14, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 4, 2024.