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Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)

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PLAAFP is a document used in schools to describe a student’s abilities, needs, and future goals. It helps teachers, parents, and others understand how to best support the student’s learning and development and create a personalized education plan for them.


Frequently Asked Question


Why is PLAAFP important?

PLAAFP is important because it provides a baseline for understanding a student’s current level of performance and is used to create a personalized education plan to support their learning and development.


How is PLAAFP used in an IEP?

PLAAFP serves as the starting point for creating an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which is a personalized plan for a student’s education based on their specific needs and goals.


Who is involved in creating a PLAAFP?

PLAAFP is typically created by a team of educators, parents, and relevant professionals who work together to assess a student’s abilities and develop a plan to support their learning and development.


Scientific Definition


PLAAFP stands for Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance. It is a document used in schools to describe how well a student is doing in school and in life skills. The PLAAFP includes information about what a student can do, what they need help with, and what their goals are for the future. This information is important for teachers, parents, and others who work with the student to understand what they must do to assist the student’s learning and development. The PLAAFP also helps to create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that is tailored to the student’s specific needs. This plan is designed to help the student reach success in school and realize their full potential.


Video Explanation


Real World Example of PLAAFP

Meet Susie, a curious and bright young girl with big dreams. Susie’s teachers noticed that she struggled with reading and expressing herself verbally. They conducted a PLAAFP assessment to understand her academic and functional abilities better.

  • Comprehensive Assessment: The teachers evaluated Susie’s reading skills, language comprehension, and communication abilities to get a complete picture.
  • Identifying Strengths: Despite her challenges, they found that Susie was a talented artist and had excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Targeted Support: With PLAAFP’s insights, the teachers designed personalized lessons to help improve Susie’s reading and communication.
  • Measurable Goals: They set achievable goals, like reading a certain number of words per minute, to track Susie’s progress over time.
  • Progress Monitoring: Regular assessments allowed the teachers to monitor Susie’s growth and adapt their approach accordingly.

Over time, with the support and guidance derived from PLAAFP, Susie’s reading and communication skills flourished, boosting her confidence and enabling her to shine brightly in and out of the classroom.

How Does PLAAFP Work?

PLAAFP (Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) is a crucial tool in education that assesses a student’s academic and life skill progress. Let’s explore how PLAAFP works and see some examples of its implementation.

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: PLAAFP involves a thorough evaluation of a student’s current academic performance and functional abilities.
  • Identifying Strengths: It highlights the student’s strengths and areas where they excel, helping build on their existing abilities.
  • Pinpointing Challenges: PLAAFP identifies specific challenges and areas requiring improvement to provide targeted support.
  • Setting Measurable Goals: It establishes clear, measurable goals for the student’s future progress and development.
  • Informing IEP Development: PLAAFP forms the foundation for creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) tailored to the student’s unique needs.
  • Monitoring Progress: It allows educators and parents to monitor the student’s progress over time and make necessary adjustments to the educational plan.

PLAAFP plays a vital role in understanding a student’s capabilities, challenges, and aspirations, leading to personalized support and improved educational outcomes. Goally’s tablet and apps aid PLAAFP kids with life & language skills through fun, interactive apps: schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, and social skills training.


This post was originally published on Feb. 2, 2023. It was updated on July 21, 2023.