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National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

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NICHCY, or the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, is like a helpful friend for parents of kids with special needs. They provide clear and easy-to-understand information and resources to support your child’s education and well-being. Think of them as your trusted guide in the world of special education.

Frequently Asked Question


Is NICHCY a government agency, and are their services free of charge?

NICHCY is not a government agency, but it offers its services completely free of charge. It’s a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting parents and caregivers of children with disabilities.

Can NICHCY provide information and support for children with various special needs and disabilities?

Yes, NICHCY covers a broad spectrum of disabilities and special needs, offering resources and guidance that cater to a wide range of individual requirements.

Is NICHCY's assistance limited to parents, or can educators and professionals also benefit from their resources?

While primarily designed for parents, NICHCY’s resources can also be helpful for educators, professionals, and anyone involved in the care and education of children with disabilities.

How can I contact NICHCY for personalized assistance and support for my child's specific needs?

NICHCY provides individualized support through their website and a toll-free helpline, making it easy for parents to get in touch with experts and receive guidance tailored to their child’s unique situation.

Scientific Definition


NICHCY, formally known as the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, is a national resource that offers valuable support to parents of children with special needs. This center provides a wealth of information, tools, and resources to help parents navigate the complex landscape of special education. NICHCY aims to empower parents with knowledge and guidance, enabling them to advocate effectively for their children’s education and ensure their well-being. It serves as a vital bridge between parents and the resources they need to make informed decisions about their child’s special education journey.

Real World Example of NICHCY

Susie is a bright and energetic 8-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with autism. Her parents, Mark and Sarah, felt overwhelmed by the challenges of navigating the world of special education. They turned to NICHCY for guidance and found it to be a valuable resource. Here’s how NICHCY’s support has made a difference in Susie’s life:

  • Clear Understanding: NICHCY helped Mark and Sarah understand their rights and the special education process, making it less daunting.
  • Empowered Advocacy: Armed with the knowledge from NICHCY, Susie’s parents were able to advocate effectively for her needs at school.
  • Use of Visual Schedules: With NICHCY’s guidance, they discovered the importance of visual schedules, like the ones available on Goally, helping Susie manage her daily routines more effectively.
  • Improved Communication: NICHCY’s resources on AAC devices highlighted the value of Goally’s communication apps, aiding Susie in expressing herself better.

Thanks to NICHCY and innovative tools like Goally, Susie’s journey toward personal growth and success has been filled with valuable support and resources, bringing peace and confidence to her family along the way.

How Does NICHCY Work?

NICHCY operates by providing valuable support and resources to parents of children with special needs. Here’s a quick look at how it works:

  • Information Hub: NICHCY is a central hub for parents seeking information on special education, offering guidance and clarity.
  • Clear Guidance: It offers guidance on understanding the special education process and your child’s rights.
  • Resource Repository: NICHCY provides a repository of tools and materials to help parents advocate effectively for their child’s education.
  • Webinars and Workshops: It hosts webinars and workshops to enhance parents’ knowledge and skills.
  • Individualized Assistance: NICHCY offers individualized assistance through experts who can answer specific questions.
  • Sample Documents: It provides sample documents, like IEP templates, to help parents with special education planning.

NICHCY is a valuable resource for parents, offering clear information, practical tools, and expert support to help them ensure the best possible education for their child with special needs. Goally, a tablet-based solution, complements this support by offering interactive apps for life and language skill development, making it a valuable tool for children with diverse needs.