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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is about embracing and respecting everyone, regardless of their appearance or background. It’s important because when we value our differences and treat everyone fairly, we can achieve more together. DEI allows us to learn from one another and make the world a better place by being inclusive.

diversity equity and inclusion. A title graphic entitled, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion."

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Frequently Asked Question


How can I promote DEI in my community?

Promote DEI in your community by embracing and celebrating diversity, supporting organizations that advocate for social justice, educating yourself and others on DEI issues, and speaking up against discrimination and prejudice.

How can schools promote DEI?

Schools can promote DEI by providing an inclusive and equitable environment, creating opportunities for students to learn about and celebrate diversity, and offering support to students with diverse backgrounds and needs.

How can I be an ally for diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Being an ally of DEI means actively supporting and advocating for individuals and groups who face discrimination or prejudice. This can include speaking up against injustice, listening to and learning from diverse perspectives, and taking action to create a more inclusive and equitable community.

Scientific Definition


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential for creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. It’s about acknowledging and appreciating the unique differences and similarities among individuals and groups, such as race, gender, ability, and more. For parents of children with special needs, educators, and individuals on the autism spectrum, DEI is crucial in providing equal opportunities and support. By breaking down barriers and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, we can foster a positive and safe environment that promotes growth and acceptance. Research shows that diverse and inclusive environments boost innovation, creativity, and productivity. Embracing DEI is not only a social responsibility, but it also brings scientific benefits. Let’s work together to create a fairer, more accepting, and more productive world for all.

Real-Life Example of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Meet Susie, a curious and kind-hearted child who loves exploring new things. One day, Susie’s class had a special project on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and it was an exciting opportunity for her to learn about different cultures and perspectives. Here’s how Susie experienced DEI in action:

  • Diversity: Susie’s teacher encouraged students to share stories about their families’ backgrounds. Susie’s classmates proudly shared their traditions, cuisines, and languages, which opened her eyes to a world of diversity.
  • Equity: During a group activity, Susie’s teacher ensured that everyone had equal opportunities to participate and contribute. Every voice was valued, and ideas were respected, regardless of differences in abilities or backgrounds.
  • Inclusion: Susie’s school organized a cultural fair where students could showcase their unique heritage. Susie joined her friends in setting up a booth that displayed diverse artifacts and shared stories from different cultures.

Through this experience, Susie realized the importance of embracing diversity, treating everyone fairly, and creating an inclusive community where everyone feels welcomed and valued. She learned that by celebrating differences, we can build a stronger and more harmonious world where everyone can thrive.

How Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work together to create an environment where everyone feels valued and included. Here are some key points on how DEI operates and examples of it in action:

  • Diversity: Embracing a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
    • People from different races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, and religions working together.
    • Hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds to bring fresh ideas and insights.
  • Equity: Ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all.
    • Providing resources and support based on individual needs.
    • Addressing systemic barriers to create a level playing field.
  • Inclusion: Fostering a sense of belonging and involvement.
    • Creating a safe space where everyone’s voice is heard.
    • Encouraging collaboration and teamwork among diverse groups.

By embracing different perspectives, promoting fairness, and fostering inclusivity, we can create a stronger and more harmonious society for everyone involved. Goally, our tablet, helps kids with life and language skills through interactive apps like visual schedules, AAC, and gamified learning. It also teaches emotional regulation, executive functioning skills, and social skills through videos.


This post was originally published on April 4, 2023. It was updated on July 19, 2023.