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What is Behavior?

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Behavior is how a person acts or responds to things around them. It’s like how you might smile when you’re happy or cry when you’re sad. For kids with special needs, their behavior might be different because their brains work in their own special way. Remember, how they act is one way they tell us how they feel or what they need.

Frequently Asked Question


How can I support my child with special needs in managing their behavior?

Be patient, understanding, and consistent in your approach, and work closely with professionals to create tailored strategies for supporting your child’s unique needs and strengths.

Are all challenging behaviors related to my child's special needs?

Not all challenging behaviors are directly related to special needs; sometimes, they may arise from typical developmental stages or external factors. Always consult with professionals for guidance.

Should I discipline my child with special needs for their challenging behavior?

Focus on positive reinforcement and teach alternative ways to express feelings or communicate needs, rather than solely relying on discipline. Consult with professionals to develop an appropriate behavior management plan.

Scientific Definition


Behavior is the way an individual acts or responds to different situations. This response can be influenced by external stimuli, like their environment, and internal factors, such as their emotions, thoughts, or neurological makeup. In scientific terms, behavior expresses the nervous system’s activity, encompassing a broad range of actions from simple reflexes to complex social interactions. Behavior may vary widely in kids with special needs, reflecting their unique brain functions and personal experiences. It’s crucial to remember that behavior is a form of communication, especially for children with different ways of expressing their needs or emotions.

Real World Example of Behavior

Meet Susie, a lively and imaginative girl. One day, Susie’s family visited a bustling amusement park. As they explored the park, Susie encountered various situations that triggered different behaviors, showcasing the concept of behavior in action:

  • When a roller coaster zoomed past, Susie jumped with excitement, her eyes wide open.
  • As Susie saw a magician perform tricks, she clapped and cheered, demonstrating her positive engagement.
  • When Susie dropped her ice cream, she frowned and felt sad, expressing her emotions through behavior.
  • While waiting in a long line, Susie grew restless, tapping her foot and squirming in impatience.
  • When Susie’s favorite ride broke down, she pouted and crossed her arms, revealing her disappointment.

Susie’s behaviors reflected her reactions to the amusement park experiences. Just like Susie, we all exhibit behaviors that communicate our feelings, thoughts, and responses to the world around us.

How Does Behavior Work?

Behavior operates as a response to stimuli, influenced by both external factors and internal emotions. It ranges from basic physical reactions to intricate social interactions. Here are a few examples of how behavior manifests:

  • Laughing at a joke shows positive social engagement.
  • Crying when upset displays emotional expression.
  • Touching a hot stove and withdrawing hand reflects an instinctive reaction.
  • A child throwing a tantrum signals unmet needs or frustrations.
  • Studying regularly for exams exemplifies learned behavior.

In summary, behavior is a dynamic process, acting as a window to our thoughts, emotions, and responses. Goally, a versatile tablet designed for kids, is an excellent tool to foster life and language skills in a fun and interactive way. It facilitates emotional regulation, executive functions such as brushing teeth, bedtime routines, and nurtures social skills through educational videos, making it an invaluable resource for kids with diverse needs.


This post was originally published on May 16, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.